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- She vacuums too loudly
- Often chooses the wrong stubby holder when bringing my beer
- Forgets to take out the bins
- Doesn't line up the cutlery symmetrically at dinner time (FFS keep it parallel with the edge of the table)
- Can't clean leaves out of the gutters without nagging me to hold the ladder
Sheeeeeeeet, when I lay it all out in words I realise how miserable things are for me. Time to get on the lookout for a new lady. Come and get me girls!
- She vacuums too loudly
- Often chooses the wrong stubby holder when bringing my beer
- Forgets to take out the bins
- Doesn't line up the cutlery symmetrically at dinner time (FFS keep it parallel with the edge of the table)
- Can't clean leaves out of the gutters without nagging me to hold the ladder
Sheeeeeeeet, when I lay it all out in words I realise how miserable things are for me. Time to get on the lookout for a new lady. Come and get me girls!
I get home from fucking work and nothing is done as she 'RAN OUT OF TIME" fuck me you are a stay at home mum with two kids at school, how the fuck can you run out of time...........about to have another argument once I am done with the gym.
Ha, glad I'm not the only one!! This drives me fukn batty.. I come home from work to dirty dishes and toys everywhere, nothing at all done because she was too busy.. 15 minutes later I have it all done. So how the fuck did you not have 15 minutes free during the WHOLE day in which you were home while I worked??
Ha, glad I'm not the only one!! This drives me fukn batty.. I come home from work to dirty dishes and toys everywhere, nothing at all done because she was too busy.. 15 minutes later I have it all done. So how the fuck did you not have 15 minutes free during the WHOLE day in which you were home while
Fuck don't get me started on this one, me and mate from work had the EXACT same discussion today, fuck me you spend the whole day at home with a little one and can't find 1hr throughout the whole day to do a little cleaning, fuckin makes me rage....
My other MASSIVE pet hate is whinging about being woken when I'm getting ready for work.... Wtf makes someone think that I might be sympathetic to them having been woken earlier than they preferred, when I am already up and on my way to work?? Do you think I fukn want to be up at 0500 and then spending all day at a desk dealing with bullshit?
Refuses to keep her car clean, I once found 27 drink containers in there while cleaning it out. Spent a good hour doing it and told her to chuck her shit in the bin each day, 3 days later it was a war zone again. Her parents did everything for her growing up and I cant seem to get her to understand that were adults now, you gotta do shit for yourself.
When I spill a bit of drink/food on the kitchen bench, and he can see I'm reaching for a piece of paper towel, but still says "Make sure you clean that up". I am already halfway fucking there!!
Missus wants me to help out with duties inside, yet I can work for days outside, mowing, pruning, cutting etc etc and not a single hand is offered.....
Missus wants me to help out with duties inside, yet I can work for days outside, mowing, pruning, cutting etc etc and not a single hand is offered.....
The dog gets all the attention like I'm invisible
Nagging about me lifting weights
Doesn't like me having protein shakes and not eating "junk food"