Ebay. Ebay. Ebay.
Ebay is da bomb
Whinges. He constantly Whinges and sits up peoples arses on the freeway.
I like sitting up peoples arses too... often whilst driving also
Are you my husband?
FACEBOOK Faaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkk.
Seriously she will spend a minimum of 6hrs a day on fucking Facebook talking to imaginary friends from 20 years ago, that she has not seen since school or since she was 6, fucking seriously.
We the real people are right here around her, and half the time we can not even get acknowledgement from her that we are even alive
We had a huge argument about it around Lunchtime today (I am off work today and she sat on the computer from 8am till lunch time) Then she decided to put the kids breakfast dishes in the dish washer, dragged the vacuum out (it's still in the middle of the kitchen unused) and she been on Facebook again for at least two hours.
I get home from fucking work and nothing is done as she 'RAN OUT OF TIME" fuck me you are a stay at home mum with two kids at school, how the fuck can you run out of time...........about to have another argument once I am done with the gym.
Time for her to get back to fucking work or ship out, not feeding her to fucking laze around all day and then whine on Facebbok how fucking hard her life is...mind you she just been on a two week holiday to Port Maquarrie while I stayed home and worked and she is already planning a week at the Gold Coast around x mas.....guess what I will be doing....fucking working.
Seriously things will be changing shortly or I will be single.
and did I say FUCK FACEBOOK
Jeez.. sounds rough Mick!
She might need a re-education!
Hope shit works out and I agree fuck facebook. I go on it for about 30 seconds every 6 months mostly to deny friend requests from fuckers I didn't like from 15 years ago. Why would I accept your fucking friend request. I couldn't give a shit what you are doing.
Facebook is for useless fucks trying to make their pathetic lives sound much more interesting than what they are.
My husband hates me on Candy Crush but if he's on Facebook or eBay.....I'm on Candy Crush Kunce
I have friends who will pull out their phones while over and continually check messages, it's very annoying. Even during movies... turn off your f'ing phone
I had a chick friend a while back who posted frantically to facebook to prove she had a happy life... Like every second post was 'MY boyfriend did this to me I LOVE him'.... I didnt realise every display of affection had to be public. Every other post had something to do with how great life was and how happy things were.... She wasnt happy.
It's not an uncommon one, but she's always late getting ready to go anywhere. Now I tell her I'm going to be there half an hour before I actually show up and often she will still be getting ready.