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I have a job that generally gives me allot of stress. From deadlines to pain in the arse customers some days you just want to pull your hair out. I'm sure everyone suffers if from their work at some point otherwise it wouldn't be work.

What do you guys do for stress? Supplements? Meditation? Massage? Any techniques you know of feel free to share..
I started only working 1 day a week :D I doubt thats helpful but it REALLY did the trick. There are a lot of ways to deal with stress posted on the net but sometimes the best ways I have found is to have all the information you need ready and organised so that you are prepared, plan plan PLAN be organised and you find that you get things done easier and there is less stress because of it. The whole idiot customers thing though is a challenge, I believe a shotgun is the only solution.
Im ver planned and concise when it comes to my work. Its more an overload of work not fit for any one human comes through causing that stress. Shooting customers....well I can't say I don't think about it :P I reckon the agricultural industry especially in my area is one of the lowest percentage of good customers than any other industry. When I mean good I mean people you can have a real conversation with, people willing topart with their money for goods and people who can easily describe what they want.
I have a job that generally gives me allot of stress. From deadlines to pain in the arse customers some days you just want to pull your hair out. I'm sure everyone suffers if from their work at some point otherwise it wouldn't be work.

What do you guys do for stress? Supplements? Meditation? Massage? Any techniques you know of feel free to share..

Okay Gauche, let us pretend for a moment that going to work is the equivalent of going to the gym, a place where your dreams of becoming a Champion are realised, a place that serves a mean to an end.

Now since we are travelling on this line of thought, let us then also look at those annoying customers as your competitors, people who have the potential to shatter your dreams and make it come down crashing in front of your very eyes.

Now tell me Gauche, if you’re preparing for a competition (on your road to becoming #1 or the best you can ever be), would you be thinking about the competition (i.e. your competitors), or would you do what Champions always do and block the externals out and concentrate on the one you have control over, i.e. you!

Feel good everytime a customer seems to be giving you a hassle and thank him (silently) for helping making you grow wiser and stronger in your own personality.

This life is all about personal growth and we need the people, not the good and the nice ones, but the nasty ones, (the bad and the ugly), to help us grow and come out on top despite what seems as an adversity on this life’s journey, but in reality is nothing but a blessing in disguise...if we only realise it.

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Your completly right Fadi. Since talking to you on this forum I make a concious effort ti watch my actions and words towards others. I'm very much a people person but after four years of this job I find myself on days hating people for eight hours. In reality I'm probably taking out the over worked feelings on the people that are cause the work.

Is it time to change careers? I dont like to give in EVER but I feel it's time for change. Time for a challenge again. I want to work with something I can have a passion in.

Either way I'll do what you said and do my best tomorrow to grow as a person. One more pain in the arse customer to get through... One more set of front squats to get through... :)

All else fails a coke binge and some cones it is......
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The beauty of my job (cab driver) is that i can tell customers to go fvck themselves and they cant really do anything about it. i wont get fired (im the boss) and i dont have the worry about losing customers.
Sure they could make a complaint but I know the head guy at the taxi base and he told me he gets ~200 complaints a day and he just files them in the paper shredder

perfect job for an angry aggressive weightlifter
Is it time to change careers? I dont like to give in EVER but I feel it's time for change. Time for a challenge again. I want to work with something I can have a passion in.

And that is absolutely great Gauche. You are to be admired and aught to be very proud of yourself if your ambition is to improve yourself in any way you possibly can.

The only times negativity manifests itself is when our intentions are built upon negativity to begin with; rejoice in the knowledge that yours are not so my friend.

I wish you all the very best and may your ambitions meet up with your passions.

Dude get out of the job if it shits you, you are young go find and do something you like. DO IT NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!! :D Fadi has some good points, Fadi always has good points, from now on I am just going to say, 'Do what Fadi says'.
And on the eighth day God commanded his people to listen to Fadi..
I would be out of it now if it wasn't for money. Thanks for the advice guys.
Do you have any qualifications? Would this job enable you to be qualified for other jobs? Also do you still live with your parents?
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the beauty of my job (cab driver) is that i can tell customers to go fvck themselves and they cant really do anything about it. I wont get fired (im the boss) and i dont have the worry about losing customers.
Sure they could make a complaint but i know the head guy at the taxi base and he told me he gets ~200 complaints a day and he just files them in the paper shredder

perfect job for an angry aggressive weightlifter

I'm extremly good at my job not to sound arrogant. It leaves me completly bored with it. I'm a sales rep/head of sales for an aftermarket tractor and header parts supplier. The only thing this job leads to is more of what I'm doing. I really want to do something around health/fitness. I haven't lived with my parents since I was 16 so I don't have luxury of moving back in too study. Got loans to pay and food to eat so studying anything seems like an impossible task.

Dream would be to own my own gym or something that I could call my own. My intrests lie around fitness, sport and technology.

I like selling things as I was born to do it but I want to sell something else. Love a job where comission was a part of it too. The more I procrastinate about it the more confused I get.
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