New member
Youre right mate.
Compare that to the amount of deaths directly caused from smoking! And you can buy cigarettes at every corner shop.
this^^ and no ones died from steroids
Youre right mate.
Compare that to the amount of deaths directly caused from smoking! And you can buy cigarettes at every corner shop.
this^^ and no ones died from steroids
Yeah this.
And no one has died from cigarettes either. It's the cancer that's the problem.
One of my mates thought there was no problems in having a big weekend in the clubs (back in his 20's) and smashing over 30 beers, smoking a packet, finishing the night off with a greasy pizza and maybe popping an E too. He chastised another mate of mine who lived a clean lifestyle and did a little AAS, lifted weights, clean diet and cardio. Funny how smokes, other drugs, food, sedentary lifestyle and alcohol are in the "it's OK" basket.
No, no, it's the heart that stops beating that's the issue.
Drugs are drugs. They all can be dangerous. Don't think I have ever heard anyone say smokes are ok these days.
The biggest problem with roids is the self medicating by unqualified people of steroids likely make in some dodgy lab.
Yeah sure everyone on the gear thinks they know what they are doing. I'm sure the blokes that died said the same thing. Running a few google searches doesn't make you an expert.
Running gear at high enough doses to get side effects such as muscle growth and strength increases. You would have to be a moron to think that there aren't some unwanted side effects happening as well.
C'mon Stu, never too old to cycle.Gotta admit, if I was some young punk in my early 20s it'd be very hard not to try a cycle. It seems to be the norm now for even non competitive Bodybuilders. Have to get my tribal tattoos as well I guess.
My view has always been unless your work requires it (Security work, modelling etc) or you're competing theres no justification for it. But using does seem the norm now.
C'mon Stu, never too old to cycle.![]()
hahah no thanks Stu. I'll stick to walking for wanna buy mine. Its red and rusting on my balcony?
and so it begins. TBH I'm surprised the whole Zyzz thing didn't kick this BS off. Enjoy your newfound social stigma resident juicers! Wonder what this means for all the IFBB types lol.
I think its pretty safe to say using test to bring test levels back to normal in a deficient person is probably fairly safe. Using test in a heathy person to boost above normal levels likely carries risk.