Johnnie Walker
Borderline Kunce
yeh i take 25-50mg daily and still puts me down pretty hard!
Stop PMing me @C_T; I'm not interested.
400mg is no more sedating than 50mg, at 400mg it's a mood stabiliser.
It's pharmacology is very complex.
well its a very common trend in how science has failed its population that pays their wage...
now we know, fat isn't the enemy, its not causing heart problems yet people for decades were put on cholesterol treatment which arguably did more harm than good. especially cause doctors know absolutely nothing about diet and excercise.
then the antidepressants, i thought you'd relate to this being a religious man, didn't they do just fine 1000yrs ago? why would something close to 40% of the population need anti depressants today, when we are exactly the same biological people from way back to 100,000 yrs if not 300,000 yrs ago, only with teaching. did they need pills 1000yrs ago? don't get me wrong, testosterone is far far different to SSRI and the plethra of other drugs (tweaking brain chemistry at seritonin etc)
what about these doctors your highly respect, what about their high suicide rates???
but you trust them with you life? to make the best decision in your health? or the best decision in the guidelines made but some bullshit pannel of people who's kids are out there taking drugs each weekend?
its a twisted world we live in. and if they didn't want drugs, there wouldn't be any... end of story.
riddle me that @Fadi; why is it everyone can get anything basically. (i know theres too many idiots, just like this thread shows, i cringe reading the last posts cause of stupid mis information)
Wrong. Plenty of evidence showing we have evolved a lot in the last couple thousand years. Maybe read some of the science you try and bag so much.
If I can add - my idea of 'doing fine' is not dying at 23 from a septic tooth infection...
Or old age is making it past 25.
Modern science/medicine is a victim of its own success. People don't realize how good it is these days.
People that had mental health problems were just executed because they had the demons inside them, lest they possess other people. Good times.
yeh i take 25-50mg daily and still puts me down pretty hard!
Can a drug be prescribed for "creepy" because c__t and Jon could use it
Fuck you crack me up.can you even lift??? how about you worry about yourself old man.
can you even lift??? how about you worry about yourself old man.