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SS to split routine?

Heh, yeah. If I went to a 3 day split, I would still incorporate ALL of the lifts in SS. Except I'd only be squatting once a week. Plus I'd chuck in some bi curls for those huge biceps
Pretty simple really if your training for size then train like that if your training to get stronger then train like that lol...dunno how ppl dont understand this...

If your wanting to put on size and improve the look of your body then a split program will be best for you.

This is really simple stuff guys and some of you need to get out of the bodybuilding section lol

I'm still yet to see anyone get bigger by getting progressively weaker over time.

Do a bb split if you want but if ya not getting stronger in some way you will not be getting bigger.
I'm still yet to see anyone get bigger by getting progressively weaker over time.

Do a bb split if you want but if ya not getting stronger in some way you will not be getting bigger.

Why would you get weaker on a split program?
Why would you get weaker on a split program?

Mate were did i ever say you will get weaker on a split???

I am saying If you want to get bigger no matter what program you do you need to get stronger over time or you'll be getting no were fast.
You need to train for your goals simple as that - that is why there is diff forms of training for diff goals...you dont see a sprinter training like a long distance runner....if your goal is to get as strong as possible then you train for that, if its to put on as much size as possible you train for that.

Betcats - its not that ppl are powerlifting snobs - I love powerlifting and have done alot in the past but as I said you need to other advice that goes with the persons goals not what your personal views on training are.....everyone has to remember this is the bodybuilding section - things posted in here will be taken from a bodybuilding point of view...if they are posted in the strength/powerlifting section then they will be taken from a strength point of view and the advice given will go with whats posted in each section.

At the end of the day I know you guys love your strength programs etc...but dont other advice in the bodybuilding section if thats all you going to other....
"Improve the look of your body"

Joel, could you please elucidate.
Do you mean change the shape of the muscle for example?
Do you mean; developing certain aspects of a body part?
"Improve the look of your body"

Joel, could you please elucidate.
Do you mean change the shape of the muscle for example?
Do you mean; developing certain aspects of a body part?

Not sure if it really needs explaining...but ok....improve the look of your body, more size, leaner, better shape etc etc...I think everyone whos on this forum would want to improve the look of their body.

Thats what bodybuilding is...improving on what you have and developing your body into something bigger, better, leaner....

Apart from your self loathing, I am interested in your thoughts Joel.

More size, how would one best achieve this?
When I say "best" I mean, efficiently and safely.

Leaner, what is is the emphasis. What would one need to focus on here?

Better shape, of the muscle, the body, you are not clear on this.

Well as you develope muscle and your body becomes leaner then you will have better shape, more pleasing to the eye....isnt that what bodybuilding is lol....and thought that this would be common knowledge if ppl post in a "bodybuilding" section.
People dont understand the difference between bodybuilding, powerlifting, and avg joe training on this forum and its fairly sad because it leads to the wrong advice.

Hey mate, my comment wasnt really clear but i was really agreeing with you. To me it just seems like some people on this forum are so against split routines, not everyone but there are some. Its like they cant comprehend that people would have goals other then being able to lift as much as possible as soon as possible.

Given the OPs stated goals and his numbers then of course he should try a split imo.
People dont understand the difference between bodybuilding, powerlifting, and avg joe training on this forum and its fairly sad because it leads to the wrong advice.

Joel and you seem to think that there is only one way to train for size and one way for strength and that doing one will not result in any of the other.

Sorry but as much as you hate it getting stronger is a great way of getting bigger. Then diet takes care of getting leaner.
Myofibrillar hypertrophy occurs at under 5 reps roughly working in the higher % too your 1rm

Sacroplasmic hypertrophy occurs closer to 20 reps with say %60 1rm

I do think that firstly to be able to give good advice, one would need to have trained many, over years.
The reason being is that the body works as a system, not parts, everyone's ability to recover differs, individuals ability to recover also changes over a protracted period due to internal and external factors.

Not only does a trainer need to know the individual, one also needs to know what's effecting this person outside the weight room, sleep patterns, stress, food intake and such.

I do believe everything works, hell if you did nothing you'd get nothing.

But the most critical element to reaching a goal is a structured workout plan, and part of that plan is recording each workout and adding a rep here and kg there each workout and setting smalls goals.

So, if your goal is to bench 200 and your benching 150, ask yourself; how hard was it to get to 150?

What I'm getting at is be your own expert and stop relying on others to make the decision for you, learn what you need for yourself.
Myofibrillar hypertrophy occurs at under 5 reps roughly working in the higher % too your 1rm

Sacroplasmic hypertrophy occurs closer to 20 reps with say %60 1rm
you will make gains in muscle size with a strength program, heavy weights, lower rep range, its just not going to be as fast as a split with lower weights and a higher rep range. same goes for making strength gains on a split, you will make strength gains, it just wont be as fast as a "strength" program.
Very good post Andy, last paragraph is excellent advice IMO.

Callan, I agree with what you're alluding to....mix up the reps every now and then.
i have no intention of a split rutuine, Not yet anyway, Tho im not aware of the diffrence, All i know is my Squats, Bench, Milatary press, DL's and curls. Every second day.

So the Benginer program, All compound free weight lifts.

Could I be pointed to an example of a split rutuine for infomation sake.

I take it this is where people will train opposite muscle goups each day or oppisite wich allows them to train every day? Please enlighten me. Cheers.

There are different versions, but heres one

Day 1
Chest, triceps

Day 2
Back, biceps

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6
Legs, abs

Day 7

Pick 2-3 exercises for each muscle group.

You could add shoulders to chest, triceps and make it a 3 day split. You could have a shoulder/arms day.....there's plenty of split routines on the Internet.