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Squat depth

good photos....Daryl's gun show is awesome...

you've given away my secret to squatting big too Makros....the extra leg in my ass...


  • prsquat.jpg
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good photos....Daryl's gun show is awesome...

you've given away my secret to squatting big too Makros....the extra leg in my ass...

Where do I get one of these legs, how much will it cost, and will my squat improve immediately? Or if I keep on doing Sheiko will I just grow one?
Don't worry Tudor the leg will come along soon enough...though like any assistive equipment will take time to learn how to use it effectively....
PowerBuilder does oly lifting have all this drama that powerlifting does?

I like Gregg Everett's definition of depth, he makes it clear that in oly lifting the only acceptable depth is to the limit of your flexibility.

Don't worry Tudor the leg will come along soon enough...though like any assistive equipment will take time to learn how to use it effectively....

Fair enough, I guess there are no shortcuts.
PowerBuilder does oly lifting have all this drama that powerlifting does?

I like Gregg Everett's definition of depth, he makes it clear that in oly lifting the only acceptable depth is to the limit of your flexibility.

Main problems are with press outs and small stuff like that. You can either power snatch in a comp or full snatch...it doesn't matter. You'll have a tough job power snatching at a high level of intensity tho :)
Fair enough, and I guess without a billion feds it would keep the politics down.

I never understood why pressing the weight is illegal, isn't it harder to press a weight than to jerk it?
If you jerk the weight, then extend your arms a bit, to result in a press out, you'll get red lighted...

1 universal fed. It's very eutopic.
Well, originally there was a press in competition, there were 3 lifts.

So I guess they needed to keep the press out in the press only.

In a jerk, at the elite level, the bar only gets jerked to eye brow level, the rest is a dip.
In a jerk, at the elite level, the bar only gets jerked to eye brow level, the rest is a dip.

While off topic, when performing a snatch, the bar usually goes as high as nipple height (when pulling) and when doing a clean the weight goes as high as the navel...

/class dismissed....
The press used to be part of the Olympic lifts. There were three, not two. So to a degree the press was excluded because it was already included. In one lift you pressed, in another you jerked.

Yes, of course it's harder to press it than jerk it. Unless, of course, you have the flexibility and postural muscle strength to do a standing incline bench(less) press, lean way back and press, brings more pecs into it. Which is why the press was taken from the Olympic lifts after 1972.

Of course its removal was also politics, USA vs USSR, arguments about judging - each would pass their own or friendly nations' lifters on laybacks they'd red light the opposition on. And this despite reasonably clear guidelines in the rules about what a legal lift was.

So though they had only one governing body, they had two rival factions in it, each trying to promote their own lifters. And thus the press was removed from competition. Factions and competing federations fuck up a sport.
sure there is only one fed in weightlifting, but like any sport, there is plenty of politics in weightlifting: drugs is a big issue internationally and locally (eg in Australia there was a big ASADA investigation into weightlifting in 2007), redefinition of weight classes (several times, including once very recently), abolition of the press, etc.

IOC, FIFA, all are rife with politics, corruption etc. Even locally, think of the controversy and criticism surrounding the AFL, NRL, Cricket Australia etc. Sport, for something that is meant to be recreational, invites passion and controversy.

But the fact that the place where powerlifting started, and the place where most media concerning powerlifting comes from, the US, is the place with the dozens of competing federations, means every litte controversy is magnified and can cause serious division. This is not necessarily an accurate reflection of the state of the sport worldwide.
Thanks for all the comprehensive answers.

Sport, for something that is meant to be recreational, invites passion and controversy.

Seems like there politics wherever you go, workplaces, universities, etc. Human nature I guess. A lot of the time I find it funny to sit back and laugh at it though. Not old enough to be bitter I guess lol.
The politics is one of the reasons why I dont have records at ProRaw, simply not needed.

All we need is a competition and a winner, with the meet director ensuring that lifts are performed according to the rule book.

Token lifts are a blight on the sport in my opinion. Eliminate records, eliminate token lifts.
Just saw this on Wilkerson facebook page....
