People who say oh you only need to do your compound movements for ab work i.e squat/bench/dead are kidding themselves - you NEED TO DO DIRECT AB WORK.......stronger abs mean stronger back.
It's all macho bullshit really, squatting until you spit blood.
I'd be very careful prescribing squatting as a means to strengthen that area.
Heavy side-bends are also another under rated exercise.
Be a cowboy, rough and tough, prepared for anything.
People who say oh you only need to do your compound movements for ab work i.e squat/bench/dead are kidding themselves - you NEED TO DO DIRECT AB WORK.......stronger abs mean stronger back.
I had a stuffed back for years. Seen doctors, physios and chiropractors. They all say strengthen your abs to strengthen your back. For me it was a load of shit. All direct ab work did was hurt my back.
My thoughts if you want a stronger back strengthen your back.
If it was lower back then you need to strengthen abs, lower back, hamstrings, glutes - they all tie in with eachother - called your "core"
Also tight hamstrings/quads and/or glutes will mess your lower back - everything needs to be strong and stretched in this area or your looking for an injury....
If you dont have strong abs/core then you will prob at some point have lower back/back way around it.
The last thing on my mind when squating, deadlifting or benching is how that exercise will strengthen my abs - I squat to get a bigger squat, I dead to dead more and bench to bench more.
I do ab work to strengthen abs - pretty simple....
EVERYONE should do direct ab work from beginner to advanced lifter and no1 should just do squats/bench/dead for ab work.
Yea mate side bends are great - do a shit load of them!
If you want to hang upside down and sit right up, go ahead, give it a go. I don't really see what the fuck the point of that would be, it's about as useful in day-to-day life and sports as the typical swiss ball exercise. But if that's what you want to do, go ahead. Be sure to write us from the orthopaedic ward in the hospital and tell us how you went.
God I hate the word core. Yes it was my lower back. I did every type of stretching and strengthening but for some reason docs and physios don't want to perscribe lower back strengthening. Once I started doing lower back exercises years of pain went away in weeks. I think that too much work on the abs and not enough on the lower back is a big cause of back pain.
Lower backs are notoriously slow to recover and tend to get hit very hard in squats and deadlifts. Hamstrings are the prime mover in squats imo and abdominals are an area that are often ignored because sit ups and hanging leg raises are hard to do.
Notice how every westside lower body template looks like this?
Main lift (ME/DE)
Hamstring exercise
Ab exercise
Hamstrings are the prime mover
Please elucidate. I'm interested in your thoughts.
Oliver, also-why do you think the erectors are slow to recover?
God I hate the word core. Yes it was my lower back. I did every type of stretching and strengthening but for some reason docs and physios don't want to perscribe lower back strengthening. Once I started doing lower back exercises years of pain went away in weeks. I think that too much work on the abs and not enough on the lower back is a big cause of back pain.
Why? thats what it is lol
The fitness industry has created 2 groups now - neither of them which I like - you have the fitness first bicep monkeys and now you have the squats,deadlifts and bench nothing else, ass to grass, squats do everything cowboys that dont take things on.
Training is a science, you need to be smart with it to get anywhere and not limit your thoughts....