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Shitty gym advice?

Surely just doing compounds isn't the worst gym advice you've heard @Rugby88 ;?? Better than some PT telling you to stick to only machines, I bet. Yeah the abs one if a bit klutzy but if you're not flashing them @ stereo who cares.. lol

I honestly haven't heard much "bad advice" as I generally distance myself with ppl like that in the gym as fast as possible. Def limiting yourself if you think bench, squat, dead are the be all and end all of training....

Totally not what I said - yea if that's all u have access too then yea of course that's all u can do.
Drink milk an squat,
Turns out that too much milk gives me liquid shit, and squatting apparently makes me wanna poop.
Drink milk an squat,
Turns out that too much milk gives me liquid shit, and squatting apparently makes me wanna poop.
I don't have any problems with lactose, and have legit done supersets of milk and power cleans on occasion. But GOMAD is by far some of the stupidest advice I've taken (and when I should have known better, mind you -- I already had all the information I needed, but the milk and squats crew were super-effective at convincing me that anything to the contrary of milk and squats is just dogma, while milk and squats = the one true way). My health and body composition have more or less recovered from that (finally), although my metabolism hasn't.
Got a new one, handstand push ups will assist my OHP.

And I thought a OHP will assist my OHP.
Not at all, just the sheer obvious relationship between the two, didn't think it would have warranted the input