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I'll forgive your skepticism and point out some simple facts of life.

1. A man with a high testosterone level has a more anabolic environment within his body than another man who has a lower level of testosterone
2. When a boy goes through puberty his testosterone level increases and thus his muscles also grow during this period
3. Males have more muscle mass than females due to testosterone
4. When you inject testosterone into your body you grow muscle tissue, if you take bogus amount of HCG this raises your testosterone levels above normal and as such the drug itself is classified as a performance enhancer
5. Aromatase inhibitors have been proven to increase testosterone levels

Anabolic/results over a short time span are hard to gauge, however since we do know that testosterone is responsible for creating a better environment in the body for muscle growth, we can safely assume that an elevated level of testosterone will make this environment even better. This then brings into the picture of how long is a piece of string when referring to how much will this help me.

Of course someone with low testosterone going to a medium to high level is going to be on top of the world, the mental benefits alone are going to be of benefit, not to mention the increased drive, energy, sexual function and libido.
So what if you already have a medium to high level of testosterone is there room for improvement?.............we believe so, we have all seen studies showing drugs like aromasin able to get testosterone levels above normal ranges, Res100 is another aromatase inhibitor which acts in a similar manner, yet legal, costing less and in our opinion working better.

I love how these threads fills up with people telling others something wont work yet not having used it themselves. Then a few members who have used it chime and say well it worked really well for me......don't knock it until you have tried it....there is a reason Res100 is the most independently reviewed and blood tested testosterone booster on the market.....and the fact we encourage people to do before/after blood work shows we have nothing to hide and everything to gain....no other testosterone booster or supplement company would suggest you do your own blood work.

No other company would also suggest you do not buy our products until you are informed about how to use them either and why you are taking them.

Lastly it is scientific fact that your grandfathers generation has a higher testosterone and sperm level than you fathers, your father has a higher testosterone and sperm level than you and your generation has the lowest level recored......read more about this study here: Generational Testosterone Decline | Wicked Supplements also be sure to watch the video at the bottom of the page.
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@O.N. ; I'm probably not the person to tangle with when it comes to a discussion of Natty Test boosters. I don't want to make your life and business harder, although I do like a bit of fun. We've known each other for a long time, elsewhere. I too have done my research on Natty Test boosters .... and trials.
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Either way it is irrational to say that an increased testosterone level will not create an environment more positively driven towards muscle growth.

End of the day the kids you went to school with playing bullshit figurines all day long have lower testosterone levels than they guys playing footy.....and the guys playing footy had more muscle than the other kids.
Exercise etc increases testosterone increases growth potential.

How many times have you seen a forum member come on here and say i have no motivation, no energy, cant sleep, cant grow any muscle and i have low testosterone......put him on something to boost it up, steroids or AI's or a test booster that works and he feels a million bucks and turns his depression of a life into something worthwhile.
I wish it was as easy as that!

Blood work doesn't lie....there are several scatter throughout this page here: Res100 Reviews and Blood tests | Wicked Supplements
Now also over 100 reviews on Res100.....Have you seen any other test booster with this many reviews all linked to your fellow forum members who you can contact and then confirm their results etc with.
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but individual blood work doesn't tell you anything about a sup working. Anecdotes like this are as good as useless about proving a sup works. Remember all the positive reviews about no bull protein power and it wasn't even protein. Lol.
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but individual blood work doesn't tell you anything about a sup working. Anecdotes like this are as good as useless about proving a sup works. Remember all the positive reviews about no bull protein power and it wasn't even protein. Lol.

I've never eaten a steak and felt it working as such i've never consumed a protein shake and felt it working either........it's protein It doesn't causes the changes in the body Res100 does.
I've never eaten a steak and felt it working as such i've never consumed a protein shake and felt it working either........it's protein It doesn't causes the changes in the body Res100 does.

LOL, we've been consuming steak, just a tad longer than a protein shake
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Give it a go, or stfu

Again not a reason.

Do I need to jump off a building to know its not going to improve my squat?

Do I have to drink petrol to know if it's going to be good for gains?

Do I have to shelve snail bait before I know it's not likely to help me lose BF.

Give me a legitimate reason or stfu.




Yeah buddy.

Why argue with someone if you clearly don't want to try the product? Why bag a business/business owner for having a crack and trying to provide as much evidence that a product works?

If you don't want to try it and think its a joke product then simply pass on to the next thread.

I know you are not going to try the product so when I say "hey baz you should give it a crack" I am clearly being a smart-ass so no there is no reason for you to try it because whatever reason someone gives you will not try it anyway....
SEDDS Liquid Delivery System

No real evidence provided for it working.

So its ok for anyone to sell anything with no proof because they are giving it a go.

Track record of promoting products that have research saying they clearly don't work as advertised. ( what was that Creatine, kre alkalyn.

Edit: anyway I'll drop it now. I just wanted a legitimate reason why I should try it.
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What evidence would need to be provided for it working and/or what proof do you need?

There has never been scientific trials done proving that steroids work on humans from a bodybuilding perspective - does that mean they do not work?

I just don't understand what more you would want from a company?

There are 100's of testimonials, blood tests etc etc....

I guess at the end of the day why do you feel the need to bring someone down when your not even willing to test the product for yourself? Why are you not having a go at every Ausbb supplement sponsor?

At least O.N takes the time to at least try and explain his products - not like alot of other sponsors on here - or even alot of supplement companies in general....

What is the real issue you have?