I'm in!
Age: 23
Height: 172cm
Starting Weight: 71.7kg
Body Transformation Goal:
A lean 75-80kg. Getting up to that weight will be easy. I've already gotten up to 77kg before. It's just being that weight at a low bodyfat (I'm thinking about 8-12% for some good definition without looking gaunt) that'll be tricky.
General Training Goals:
Not sure, really. My goal this year was to press 1 plate, bench 2, squat 3 and deadlift 4. Probably would've made it there if I didn't start cutting around September. I'd still like to achieve those numbers, but I'm getting more interested in Olympic weightlifting now, so those numbers will probably take a back seat towards getting competent at the snatch and clean+jerk.
Pics, taken tonight (21/12/11):
Age: 23
Height: 172cm
Starting Weight: 71.7kg
Body Transformation Goal:
A lean 75-80kg. Getting up to that weight will be easy. I've already gotten up to 77kg before. It's just being that weight at a low bodyfat (I'm thinking about 8-12% for some good definition without looking gaunt) that'll be tricky.
General Training Goals:
Not sure, really. My goal this year was to press 1 plate, bench 2, squat 3 and deadlift 4. Probably would've made it there if I didn't start cutting around September. I'd still like to achieve those numbers, but I'm getting more interested in Olympic weightlifting now, so those numbers will probably take a back seat towards getting competent at the snatch and clean+jerk.
Pics, taken tonight (21/12/11):