Pays not to be around here. Pulling moves like you do like shoulder charging strangers would get ur head taken off. Im usually around 20%-70% recovered most of the time,anyone jumps me would be shocked at how weak i am despite the gym numbers i put up. Give me a hot bath,a foam roll,a week to deload,a barbell,and an audience and then im good to go.
Lol. What happened to Mr God fearing Christian Gerry? He comes and goes at your convenience I notice.
I find mostly, not all of course, that people who compete in fighting sports are generally poorly educated.
Again this is not a blanket statement. But most.
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Lol. What happened to Mr God fearing Christian Gerry? He comes and goes at your convenience I notice.
Just saying,i notice you like to use my religious beliefs as a weapon whenever i say something you dont like. My reticience to indulge in random fisticuffs is based on a few factors. I feel it doesnt achieve anything. Have u ever sat in court the whole day,multiple times of the year? Anyways im stauncher than you in a way if we are waving diddles so to speak...i still compete in a physical sport at 47,i train harder than you and i work harder than you. At a guess if ur chosen sport is MMA or boxing,why no pro record?
Gerry, Jesus sacrificed his life for his fellow Man. That is the example Christians are supposed to live by. You serve "number one". Secondly, Jesus said "if a Man slaps you on the left cheek, turn and let him slap you on the other cheek. You are the total opposite of a Christian. They live by principles, not what is best for Gerry Belshaw at any one moment.
You should stop with claiming to be one, they are good self sacrificing people devoting their time to charity and good causes.
Appreciate the pontificating and bellowing,its you who keeps bringing it up not me,its a training board. I agree with biblical beliefs,what does that make me? Im not the total opposite of a christian,that would be a satanist which is what Grunta is. Im just not a strong one,which of course makes me a target for people like you to test troll and probe weaknesses. I welcome it.
You're the one who keeps bringing God and Jesus into the conversations, yet you haven't the character to lead a Christian life. Few people do, it's a self sacrificing life. You should stop using Christianity for your convenience. I'm sure it doesn't work with your Parole/Probation Officer and it doesn't work around here.
Religion is a horrible thing.
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God doesn't exist.
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I dont have a probation officer lol,what do you mean im trying to preach to you? I dont actually care what you do or dont believe. Its you on 4 or 5 different occasions initiating this particular type of interaction,where im just sitting here,picking you off. Im sharp bro,be careful. Let me refer back to my point of every action has a reaction,whether it comes from a direction you expect,well who knows.
No need. Not up to me to find proof in a lack of existence.You are certain yeah?
Sharp - yes maybe.
A Saint - no fucken way(neither am I, don't claim to be).
No need. Not up to me to find proof in a lack of existence.
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Nice part of the world in truth.I be holidaying in Townsville next month.
Just don’t want to leave NSW for a while.