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Happy to add Ipamorelin, CJC 1295 (DAC) and Modified Grf 1-29 to your list of peptides. They work to increase Human Growth Hormone output from the pituitary which more closely mimics natural secretion compared to synthetic HGH injections.

Thanks Tron Master!!! I am working my way towards Peptides, sounds like you are a wealth of knowledge!!! I will be looking for you when I am at that part of my project :-) Cheers :)
Ok Im still here, im sure you have all written me off as a blow in hahahah!!! Have been working so hard, many things happening, but I had some guys come in the other day and after sitting down and chatting to me about gear for half an hour walked away and said 'wow, you know a LOT about steroids, thanks so much for helping us" ...... Clearly I do not know that much about steroids.....but I knew more than them, and they knew I knew more than them, so YAY!!!! My research and study is coming to fruition!!! project is still underway, I work for Health, nothing gets done quick here lol
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Ok Im still here, im sure you have all written me off as a blow ... hahahah!!! Have been working so hard, many things happening, but I had some guys come in the other day and after sitting down and chatting to me about gear for half an hour walked away and said 'wow, you know a LOT about steroids, thanks so much for helping us" ...... Clearly I do not know that much about steroids.....but I knew more than them, and they knew I knew more than them, so YAY!!!! My research and study is coming to fruition!!! project is still underway, I work for Health, nothing gets done quick here lol


Just goes to show, you only need to know 1% more than your audience to fool them ;)

Just goes to show, you only need to know 1% more than your audience to fool them ;)

Totally...... I'm not even sure the percentage is that high, as long as you know one extra thing than them, officially you are cleverer right? :D
Hi all, some more questions please!!!!

Ventrogluteal injecting........ is this something everyone does? some people do? if people don't do it why don't they do it? Is it better than shooting into your butt cheek? I am asking because we recommend clients inject a certain way but i want to know if this is better, because i am reading a lot of stuff that people like injecting there much better as its more comfortable for them.

Also, if clients are getting gear in rubber stopped vials, and others are getting gear in snap off glass vials....is the only difference there, the manufaturer of the gear?

Why does one come one way (snap off vials) and other come in rubber stopped vials. My head is saying, maybe some stuff is coming from legitimate (or fake-legit) pharma companies so therefor packaged proffesionally. The other stuff is re packackaged or put in smaller rubber stopped vials out of a bigger lot.......

Sorry if I am sounding dumb, if it is any consolation, I am asking these dumb questions so I can be smarter than my clients....thats the really scary bit!!! lol.
While not directly related to safe steroid use. You should probably also look into body dismorphic disorder or body dismorphia.

If your aim is to minimise usage, addressing the behavioural aspects could be helpful. I'm not saying that everyone will fit the 1-2% that can actually be diagnosed, but treat symptoms as a sliding scale.

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While not directly related to safe steroid use. You should probably also look into body dismorphic disorder or body dismorphia.

If your aim is to minimise usage, addressing the behavioural aspects could be helpful. I'm not saying that everyone will fit the 1-2% that can actually be diagnosed, but treat symptoms as a sliding scale.

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This is a good point that few consider.