Tight gluteal and hamstring muscles can place a lot of stress on your lower back. So even though you feel the pain directly in your lower back region, its origin and cause is more often than not lies within your back side and hamstring muscles.
I find a stretch is not enough, or at least not enough unless done post a session where you aim to release the tension deep within the two muscle groups I've mentioned above. For that, I use the massage ball as pictured below:

There are two ways you can put this ball to your advantage; one relies on you standing up, placing the ball between you and a wall (or any other hard surface), whilst the other which I'm using as I type these words, is sitting on a hard chair with the ball underneath. Going through the motions of a leg extension exercise whilst the ball is underneath your hamstrings helps to really direct the force deep within your hamstrings muscles.

After releasing some muscle tension, then you can begin to apply some stretching to both areas.
I find a stretch is not enough, or at least not enough unless done post a session where you aim to release the tension deep within the two muscle groups I've mentioned above. For that, I use the massage ball as pictured below:

There are two ways you can put this ball to your advantage; one relies on you standing up, placing the ball between you and a wall (or any other hard surface), whilst the other which I'm using as I type these words, is sitting on a hard chair with the ball underneath. Going through the motions of a leg extension exercise whilst the ball is underneath your hamstrings helps to really direct the force deep within your hamstrings muscles.

After releasing some muscle tension, then you can begin to apply some stretching to both areas.