I have a question for you Pistachio. If you are not happy with your size whilst nearing the end of your current cut why don't you stop now and get back to work on getting that size. It is more of a long term idea but you know you can cut down and you know what you need to work on note the most.
Or do you just want da abz for da beach bro?
Fair question dave.
I want to see this through to the end, I don't know for sure if I can cut down, and more importantly I don't know how much size I can keep when I do. I also want to know how I will look when I do cut down and see if I am happy with the outcome.
Also, I don't plan on getting as fat as I did this year (probably around 25% bf, maybe more). I want to stay lean most of next year, preferably sub 15%. In order to do that, it would be easiest to get as lean as possible now, hopefully close to or below 10% to give me a bit of a buffer to clean bulk next year.
I am a bit disappointed with my cut so far in the sense that while I have lost a lot of weight, I am still not THAT defined and still don't have the look I want. However, that may just be my body, rather than my bodyfat levels, so it is hard to tell. SoI guess I want to keep going to see if that changes or not. Maybe after losing another 3kgs or so I will look vastly different. If it don't however, then I probably won't aim to get to sub 10% long term if I'm not going to look that great anyway. If thats the case, I'll probably just try to look like a brick shithouse, and stay at around 15% or so and not worry about getting ripped.
The worst thing that could happen is my weight keeps going down but I don't look more defined (= muscle wastage in my mind). If I do lose muscle though, I'm sure it'll come back during my bulk next year.
Sorry bout the long answer lol