Adrian, you may know more about this than me. When Kevin retired when he did, he made a comment which I read in a magazine, that his mum and dad died from cancer. It was cancer this and cancer that, running in the family type of a message he was trying to tell us. And so he was happy to retire when he did, as the PED he was taking would increase his chances of going down the same path etc (according to him)...., so it was just as well (and thank goodness I'm fine I haven't got cancer) so it's great I'm retiring now type of an attitude
I say you know more than me about this since you've been up to date with Kevin's come back story. In your opinion, and based on your experience in the sport, do you think the man is on the "vitamins" or is he all natural? I know that Lee Priest (who's a straight shooter in my opinion) believes that Kev is well.., let's just say is less than an honest type of a guy. What's your take on what I've just written?