So what am I to take from this? A cow is only sick if it looks sick? A cow can spread disease from an internal issue but it's still not considered sick because it looks really happy? Dunno what your point is here. Bottom line is that cows are the source of the contamination which can be dealt with by proper treatment. So if a farmer's milk is contaminated, it's is obligation to locate the source.
Yeah. You are right. I just made that up. People would never do that. Dairy farmers are the most happy and fulfilled people on the planet. They love getting up at 4am to milk cows all through spring, summer and autumn then doing it all again at 5pm. And their teenage kids just love getting up early to give dad a hand. Teenagers love that shit. Whoever heard of a teenager wanting to stay in bed. I mean, who ever heard of anyone working at a fast food joint spitting into a hamburger because they were pissed off. That would never happen. I take it all back. It's an urban myth.
You are right. A farmer with a sick cow which is not producing milk could send a farmer broke, especially if it's more than one cow. I guess that would be a huge motivation to pull it from the milking herd.
You are right. I am wrong. I apologise. I look forward to the angered masses banning raw milk, along with all the other things that can kill you with food poisoning like sausages, KFC, red meat, turkey, eggs, fruit juice, and infant formula.
Dairy farmers are the most happy and fulfilled people on the planet. They love getting up at 4am to milk cows all through spring, summer and autumn then doing it all again at 5pm. And their teenage kids just love getting up early to give dad a hand. Teenagers love that shit. Whoever heard of a teenager wanting to stay in bed. I mean, who ever heard of anyone working at a fast food joint spitting into a hamburger because they were pissed off. That would never happen. I take it all back. It's an urban myth.
@bazza20 so would you drink the raw milk from your cows? straight up?
if not, why?
A2 full fat milk tastes good, like it use too.
I'll just quietly leave this here…...
Ban unpasteurised toffee apples!!!!
"Five people have died and 21 more have been hospitalized after they were infected with listeria linked to prepackaged caramel apples, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday."
"Listeria can live in food processing plants and can grow even in cold temperatures, such as those in refrigerators.
It is killed by cooking and pasteurization. It is also found in soil and water and in animals such as poultry and cattle, and can be present in raw milk or food made from raw milk."
"Listeria outbreaks are rare but dangerous. In 2011, listeria in cantaloupes killed 33 people and sickened 147 in 28 states of America, according to the CDC.
In 2012, 22 people were infected and four died in an outbreak attributed to a brand of ricotta cheese imported from Italy, the agency said."
A2 milk currently has zero evidence behind the claims. All milk has a certain amount of the a2 gene in it anyway.
Even the a2 company no matter how hard they try can't manufacture up any evidence for it being any healthier. Their latest research showed no significant health difference, actually a slight benefit to a1 milk but somehow in their conclusion they concluded a2 was better.
If it tastes better it's probably just a higher fat milk and nothing to do with a2.
Its shocking isnt isn't it what these manufacturers can state, these days I just go by taste, if it tastes good it is. (Too me)