Active Member, June10MOTM
come at me bro
Ill see your homebrand cottage cheese
And raise you
Homemade Raw Milk Kefir

Is that flora proactive bro? lol
come at me bro
How did I get pulled into this? I haven't started a thread since march the 20th...that thread was about the dude who clean & jerked that weight with the two fellas on it. That's not moronic. That's epic.
What's moronic is Markos gets offended, lets his mouth run..saying pretty offensive things time after time after time after time.
World Power Shrug World Record (470lb) ( 1 2 3)
posted by PowerBuilder 24-03-2011
I didn't even have to go past the first page in the section to find a stupid, pointless waste of space thread you started.
By the way by my calculations the 24th or march is after the 20th.
What were you saying about moronic again?
$15 is alotta money
That will buy 6 chicken burgers
6? Where r u getting ur chicken burgers from?
15 bux will get me 1kg of chicken breast that's alotta burger