^ Not old enough to be saying holy mackeral![]()
That's the spirit....And secretly lust as my skirt flies up and shows a panty shot
[emoji80]Way to derail a site guys
Way to derail a site guys
Way to derail a site guys
Unfortunately most threads in the PL section end up like this, that's why this forum is mostly old farts and amateur endocrinologists now.
Whoever the troll is, you slipped up. Women don't use the phrase "panty shot".
Unfortunately most threads in the PL section end up like this, that's why this forum is mostly old farts and amateur endocrinologists now.
Interesting statement bozo.
why exactly would a power lifter want to have conversations with other power lifters on a forum when most powerlifting is done in gyms with other powerlifting people.
you seem to forget that powerlifting is a sport no a group of exercises
Kipping???Slow negs and assisted pulls but when you get a little strenth use the oly rings to do jumping pull ups.
And cant forget to throw in Kipping Pull ups![]()
I grew up on 4chan. The /b/tards raised me.Whoever the troll is, you slipped up. Women don't use the phrase "panty shot".