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PTC version 2.0

What is the reason behind doing each week twice? Just trying something new?
Yep, 10 work sets, no assistance work.

I forgot to mention Connor.

He is 15yo, 78kg and deadlifted 170kg last night. He trains for soccer, he has a try out with Derby County in December
Tonight, Alen, Daryl and Max did C&J and push press, with some front squats, chins and dips.

Daryl cleaned and put 90kg overhead at 72kg, nearly the 20kg above bodyweight he needs for the rep challenge.

Alen got 100kg overhead a few times @ 84kg

Max did 100kg@75kg easily, he only has to do 95kg at the RC, he reckons he can do that for 5 now without training it.

There doing the OL lifts on Tue/Thu/Sat and SQ/BP/DL on Mon/Wed/Fri

They are using the weight they need for the comp.

For instance, Max is squatting 140kg, benching 100kg and pulling 180kg for multiple sets of reps.

At 75kg, he only needs to squat 132.5, bench 95 and pull 170 at the RC

I got another 64kg KB today, the 80kg should arrive shortly.

I might get someone to try Farmers Walk with the pair of 64kg KB's tomorrow.
nice work by the boys... matt tells me last night hes going to do the rep challenge aswell. seems though he did 225x10 on squats the other week im guessing he will do 165-170 for 20 +++ easy....
I rekkon the winner is going to need almost 120 reps , this will be nuts..
2 minute cut off. A regular set of 20's takes over 2 minutes.

He is going to have to C&P 110kg, that wont be easy.

By the time he gets to deads, he'll be tired as well, as you know

I think Matt, Kelly, Chris and you are the favourites Michael

If Matt gets 20 in all 3 lifts, 1 C&P + 10 points and 30 UDL/s, thats 100 points.

Not sure how much high rep training he's done, but I agree, up around 100 for the favourites
Daryl, Alen and Max did a lot of OL tonight.

Front squats to 120kg, overheads to 100kg.

Max did quite a few sets of 100kg x 3 jerks, catching the bar on his delts on each rep, bar never touching the ground. If pushed he could get 6 jerks with 100kg right now.

The 3 of them are really enjoying training 6 days a week, 3 days dedicated to cleans, jerks, front squats etc.

Max and Alen actually train for over 2 hours, Daryl gets tired easy and lasts just over an hour.

They also do lots of weighted dips and chins, at the end of their sessions
Hey Markos,

what are Max's current best lifts? Also whats his diet like throughout the whole day? Could you post what he has in each meal?
Well that is a fantastic question. His lifts are nothing special BUT............

He is on a diet that is allowing him to train 6 days a week for 2 hours a session, he is getting leaner AND stronger. He is only 75kg but visibly much bigger than he was at worlds, where he weighed 79kg.

It is soley based on nutrient timing.

Recently there was discussion about a calorie being a calorie lol

Its the absolute complete opposite of that.

His recent best lifts at 75kg are 180kg squat, 110kg x 2 bench, 200kg x 5 deadlift, 120kg clean, 100kg x 3 jerk, 100kg PP.

Last year he was tested on a 14 site fat % test at 12%. He would be single figures now based on that test.

He really is enjoying this eating and training style, no 1RM etc

Sooooooooooooo, whats he eating, lol
Max switched Daryl over to Sumo deadlifts a couple of sessions ago.

Tonight he equalled his PB with 180kg. Very easy. Max is taking it slow, but Daryl will pull 200kg at States.

Jack has organized an Okie deadlift bar from the States. I'll have it at PTC early next week.

We pick up the combo racks on Sunday. Alen has a few mods to perform, then they'll be at PTC.

Alen is also making heavy duty squat stands, not far away. He is also going to make a competition bench press because there is nothing impresive for sale in Australia.

I am also getting a platform strictly for deadlifts, where the Okie bar will live.

The current layout is changing. The footballers are out in the next few day, so the main room will have

3m x 3m platform
Heavy duty squat stands
Deadlift platform
Combo bench/squat rack.

All the competing guys will lift there.

The other room has 2 power racks, 2 bench presses, a squat rack, dip bars, chin bars, dumbbells, 2 incline benches, 4 flat benches.
Daryl gets tired easy and lasts just over an hour.
This is me too Markos, what's it from, shit at cardio or not enough energy to sustain lifting for longer? How's it fixed, training more often to build endurance or from not eating and sleeping enough?
Max, Alen and Daryl started lifting at exactly 7.00pm last night. Max and Alen finished at 9.15pm. Daryl was gone well before.

They squat, bench and deadlift on Mon/Wed/Fri then do cleans, jerks, front squats, MP on Tue/Thu/Sat.

Alen and Daryl have a higher 1RM than Max in the bench, Daryl 120kg and Alen 130kg.

Max outbenches both each session, because of his conditioning. The other 2 are getting better each session though, its just he has been training like this for a few weeks longer

New thread?
I'm really not a fan of posting info up that hasnt been tested.

When I first came up with PPP, I didnt release anything until we tried it.

It failed miserably, so I went back to the start and had another crack. Imagine if I had simply released the first version.

So with his diet, which absolutely fly's in the face of a calorie is a calorie which some on here prescribe to, we are simply focusing on nutrient timing, in other words giving the body what it needs "now".

For this to be successful, Max's weights need to either go up or stay the same at a lighter bodyweight. He is 5kg lighter than Nats and Worlds, around 6% lighter. He is clearly larger. we have a pic in the gym of him accepting his Medal at Worlds, the T Shirt he is wearing doesnt come close to fitting him now. The fact he is leaner is not debatable, but he is larger too.

As far as his strength goes, at Nats and Worlds, he was benching 110kg, he is now doing 5 x 5 with 100kg, he squatted 170kg at Nats and 172.5kg at Worlds, he is at 180kg with sleeves. Not sure on his deadlift as he is doing high reps, but I reckon its at least at 230kg.

So his weight is down 6%, but his lifts are a little better.

He has no interest in 1RM at the moment, so we'll have to wait.

Now back to what he is eating. Before I give full disclosure, I can tell you that his last meal before training consists of 1000 calories, with zero carbs. This goes against what everybody on here believes to be true.

He trains from 7.00pm till 9.15pm, 6 days a week, with zero carbs in his system. He eats 3 times a day BEFORE training (sometimes 4), and grazes for hours AFTER and during training.

We dont count daily calories. He prepares all his own meals except for after training.

So far he has been successful in getting leaner, even though he was at 12% before starting, and stronger and more muscular.

This would work even better with a fatter guy.

I recently had a forum member contact me for a diet and program, said he was depositing the money. A few weeks later, no money, just a response questioning my "training", said he had that covered now, so only a diet was needed.

How do I get through to people that its a holistic approach, diet, training, recovery that gets results.

Now I have to a diet for this guy, not knowing how he trains. I guess 76 National records, 21 World records and a World Champion isnt enough, someone got in his ear and told him they knew better.

The diets nearly done, but I cant guarantee success. He even questioned my training lol, maybe he should come for a session with Max.

I promise I will disclose more as it runs its course, but its only been around 6-7 weeks
How do I get through to people that its a holistic approach, diet, training, recovery that gets results.

Yep. For some, the importance of the holistic goes even further than that, make or break.
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looking forward to this

Diet is something I struggle with. If I eat enough I get fat, if I don't eat enough I lose strength. Looking forward to something holistic to round out my PPP.

Great stuff Markos.
