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Ptc ppp

Kelly comes to PTC once a week from Boronia, he does his deadlifts and benches with me, his squats at his own gym. I suppose Kelly has been coming for over a year now.

He has really flourished with PPP I must say, as much or more than any other lifter. He trains with Nick on Wednesday nights at 8.00pm, he trains for around 90 minutes, because he travels so far, he stays longer.
I'll be starting PPP this week!

I'm aiming for:
squat: 175 +15
deadlift: 180 +25
bench: 100 +12.5

I'll keep you guys updated!
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I have spent lots of time explaining to my crew how to now correctly implement PPP.

It was always designed best to work on competition lifts. I'll explain why.

If you just competed at State's, and totaled 500kg, and Nats is coming up in 12 weeks, a 530kg total would be sensational. Very few lifters ever achieve that result.

With regular gym lifts, each lift is done fresh, thats why I encourage a 20-30kg increase on the deadlift. Try deadlifting a PB 6 hours after you start lifting. Kaspar has pulled 210kg at PTC. On Sunday he only got to 190kg, he was spent.

So all 16 lifters who competed have reset their goal weights, 10kg above their best comp lift. If they are succesful they will have stunning results at the Nationals.

Max was previously on the 200kg squat program. Tonight he started week 1 of the 180kg squat program. His goal would be to be squatting over 200kg at the 2011 Nats @ 82.5kg raw and 19yo

So every lifter has gone back on there goal, simply to move forward. With a simple 10kg increase in 11 weeks, most would add 120kg to their total at the 2011 State titles. Is this possible?

Stay tuned. Hopefully all 16 lifters will compete at the Nats, lets see how many can improve their totals by 30kg in 13 weeks.Some of the lifters made 4th attempts that dont show on their totals, for instance Nina made a 92.5kg squat, thats an extra 7.5kg on her total, taking her to 265kg, hence why its now 300kg from 257.5kg

Dave - 515kg
Dim - 440kg
Nico - 555kg
Max - 520kg
Nick - 645kg
Daryl - 450kg
Kelly - 600kg
Nina - 300kg
James - 430kg
Kaspar - 505kg
Alen - 535kg

Everyone said we did well on Sunday, imagine if we post these numbers
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I have a question as far as my bench day goes. You say 3-4 assistance exercise which I do do but then I add an extra 2 exercises and do my triceps namely skull crushers and close grip bench , is that out of place or is that ok?
Far too much assistance. Six exercises for bench is too much.

Watch Oli, he's about to start PPP, he is time poor so he wont do much assistance, watch his total soar.

i dont understand why you are moving max from the 200kg program if he is completing it. surely if he is squat 200 in the gym then 180 on comp day is a given. but if he does 180 in the gym then he may not get it at comp.

and many lifters didn't get their pb's on comp day so setting to 10kg above that lift may not challenge the lifters enough to produce gains for the next comp.

also just my opinion. i would let the lifters finish their cycle of PPP because the last 5 weeks are untested and you cant be sure of its effectiveness. you know that the first 6 weeks worked so if shouldn't be a disadvantage for them to do that coming into the nationals. the last 5 weeks may not have enough volume or be too intense. just throwing up my opinions.
Well, at Albury he missed 170kg squat, on the weekend he missed 172.5kg squat.

Sure he made a 175kg squat in the gym a few weeks ago, but he is in competition training, not gym training.

His squat PB in competition is 170kg. If he squats 180kg at the Nats, he is way over the World Record. If he squats more bonus, but too many get greedy.

as far as letting them finish, its pointless. To a man they have all reset their PB's, it works.

We are a strength and conditioning facility. We train in teams, we all need to be on the same page.

seeing we set/broke 53 National Records on the weekend, I'm guessing we may be on the right track.

Anyone that hasnt competed wont understand.

For all regular gym guys, I still suggest you aim for a 20kg PB in the dead, seeing as you deadlift fresh every session.
Markos what are you going to suggest for the guys to do in the last few weeks leading upto the comp (nats) - I know Blake is running the 11 week program but he will have I think the program will end about 4 weeks before the comp - I was thinking of doing a sheiko comp prep with him - but not sure if you had discussed with him what he should do.
Thats tricky Joel. We started PPP at the wrong time, it was around 8 weeks out, it couldnt be helped because I hadnt finished it yet.

We were always going to target the Nationals rather than the States, and everyone knew we were going back to week1 and starting again, we just needed a baseline, and we got it at the states.

From experience, Blake may not make some of those weeks, he may have to retake them, that would possibly leave you with only 2 weeks to fill.

If thats the case, the last week we simply take our openers in the squat and bench on Monday and Wednesday. We take our deadlift opener on the Friday before. On the Friday before the comp, they guys simply used 40kg and did sets of 10 in the 3 lifts to create blood flow and keep the muscles loose.

For me, being fresh on the day of the comp is key. Most Russian programs seem too tiring for drug free lifters. I suppose you'll have to suck it and see.

Another option is, if Blake actually gets through to week 11 without failing, he can try week 11 of the next weight up and see how he goes.

Either way, if he accomplishes his target goals, he's going to have a great comp anyway.

Speaking to Paul, it looks like it will be held at the Crest in St Kilda, its an excellent venue, its a top Motel. We had the 2007 Nats there.

Book now before the rush, insider information lol
Good stuff mate!

Leading up to Albury I got him to run a 5 week sheiko prep program - we did abit of a variation but didn't change it to much and it seemed to work well. I'll be getting Matt to do the same this time around - we have made it so he does 29/37 and then a 5 week prep program with some deload weeks in between 29 and 37.

Like I said we have a comp in about 5 weeks so it will be a good re-tester!

We will see how hes going closer to the comp!

Ok mate - i'll check it out - cheers for that!
Its unofficial, but it looks like they will return to the Crest.

Most National and International competitions are held in swank hotels. It gives the interstate and international travellers somewhere to stay.

The CAPO 2007 Nationals were held there.

As far as the lifter goes, the Weightlifting centre in Hawthorn is superb, you really couldnt ask for more.

Only drawbacks are accommodation in Hawthorn. Most dont want to use taxis or hire cars when they come in from another state.

The place will be absolutely packed come the Nats, get there early, I'm not joking.
I didnt think a progrma change wold mke much difference.. All strength has gone up so has size,cant believe it! If your lifts are worthy i say take it up bench used to be my weakness now im starting to get into it
what should i set goals at. Squat is 190kg Bench is 122.5 and Deadlift is 240kg i was thinking of setting goals as squat 210 bench 140 Deadlift 260 is that to much to add?
If i were u i'd go

Squat = 200kg
Bench = 135kg
Deadlift = 260kg

U can go 210kg for ur squat if ur naturally a strong squatter.
Well, last night was a first at PTC.

The first client to finish PPP, the full 11 weeks.

Ryan managed to get through the 11 weeks without missing a lift.

When Ryan started at PTC, he hadnt lifted before, and he had a bad back, he's a builder.

His brothers train here and told him he should come. After doing full body for a few weeks, it was obvious he had good potential.

He fell in love with the heavy weights so he started PPP. He either does 1 or 2 days a week, and does PPP each session.

The guy with the week back deadlifted 210kg last night.He is actually capable of more, but I have explained the traps of going too much to him. He understands and trusts me.

On Saturday he starts his second round.

The reason no one else has finished is we started again after the Vics, with most lifters completing week 3 this week.

Well done Ryan, it will be interesting to see how he goes on his second round.