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Ptc ppp

Yes it does for alot of people...

Lactose intolerance..

Leeky gut

IGF-1 increase leading to cancel cell growth...

Lots of factors oliver...

people who are lactose intolerant dont tend to drink milk.

I challenge you to show scientific data that shows deaths from cancer on a large scale as primarily due to milk.
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people who are lactose intolerant dont tend to drink milk.

I challenge you to show scientific data that shows deaths from cancer on a large scale as primarily due to milk.

Its lifestyle oliver this is what you do not understand...

I can give a packet of ciggarettes to 10 people on this board have them smoke them all..

Do test find no cancerou growths conclude that smoking 1 packet of ciggarettes does not relate to cancer ...

There are plenty of studies that show igf-1's effect on cancer cell growth and many studies showing milks ability to increase igf-1...

Im not going to sit here and spoon food you research papers because you can be bothered to look something up for yourself.

This is the PPP ptc thread, this tlak is irrelivent for here. Start a new topic if you wan.
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Noobs, there is an enormous body of literature that links cigarette smoking with cancer.

With milk on the other hand all you can suggest is a causal link between milk, insulin production and cancer. You have no actual evidence though that can document milk as an actual cause of cancer.

Can you see how these are not the same?

No becuase you dont understand oliver...

Breathing causes cancer...

Sitting on your computer causes cancer..

Exercise causes cancer.

Its not what causes cancer but what allows it to continue to spread.

I cant get into it now it will take me all night to try and explain it to you..

There is a whole 15 year study done on animal protein consumption done on cancer formed after exposure to carcinogens....

Everything causes cancer somethings allow it to grow somethings stop it for growing...

Now show me a study that states "breathing causes cancer" but it does due to oxidative stress... And oxidative stress is the cause of dna damage that leads to cancer mutation.

I wish i could explain it all to you but i simply cant.. im sorry its upto you to research for your self.

Now back on topic..


Milk consumption and cancer incidence: a Norwegian prospective study.
G. Ursin, E. Bjelke, I. Heuch, and S. E. Vollset

Relationships between milk intake and cancer incidence were investigated after 11 1/2 years of follow-up of 15,914 individuals. A diagnosis of cancer was made in a total of 1,422 individuals. No association was established with total cancer incidence, in analyses adjusted for sex, age and residential characteristics. However, a strong positive association with milk consumption was observed for cancers of the lymphatic organs (odds ratio 3.4 for greater than or equal to 2 glasses per day vs less than 1; 95% confidence interval 1.4-8.2). An inverse association was found for cancer of the bladder. Kidney cancer and cancers of the female reproductive organs (except the uterine cervix) showed weak positive associations with milk intake.

Not drinking milk wont kill sticky... I can afford to be wrong about my observations. Can you?

Get fadi in here about casein...

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yeah i dont alway do 4 sec on negative but i think its the fact ive been doing it for so long i cant go any other way. (controlling the weight not the other way around .. my minds set. teaching an old dog new tricks )

I can see the postives in PPP but right now ive from what ive seen after 8 weeks.


Legs are exploding
So is lower back
Chest is coming along nicely

COns -
My shoulders have gone smaller (i dont do any ancillory exercises)
Biceps and triceps are softer
calves are lagging
(if i should be training these let me know)

It is getting me out of my rut but and springing new life into my training. So its a BIG positive
Bicep work on deadlift day
Delt & Tricep work on bench day
Calves on squat day


Christian, dont take this the wrong way, but your going to die early due to stress lol If you read less and pressed more, your total would look better.

Newsflash, were all going to die, even those that know why. Just dont die with a 110kg bench PB

Oliver, drink more milk.

And for all you that dont eat an animal, I'm going to eat 3.

Lol i cant stop reading... Im sorry thigns got off topic. But it was simply regarding Sticky his personal issues and milk consumption..

I ate 1kg of meat today and drank 3L of milk... But i dont have issues.

Im mot preaching to people milk is evil what so ever. I simply advised that for some one with XYZ condition it is not advisable at this time.. Simply how you may shy away from someone with a knee reconstruciton from doing squats the day after surgery.

Once my problems are sorted My lifts will increase but until that happens im not recovering with igf-1 levels so low... I prefer push press over Bench anyway..
If you didnt know your test and IGF was low, you would simply be busting your ass in the gym and getting stronger Christian, your knowledge gives you an out.

Pretend your training at PTC, do you honestly think I would cut you any slack because of your condition lol

Dont respond, pretend your at PTC, no thoughting allowed, just lifting

Its not the thoughting i stopped lifitng last couple of weaks because of

fatique to the point of crashing during the middle of the day...
Not recovering properly
Change of certain other medicaitons giving me troubles
An achillies problem from a tight calves and tight quads i cant move my right foot what so ever up with out agony..

Lower back pain that when i pick up a barbell my back spasms and i can not bend or move...

These things happened so i could not lift. I have only found out about other hormone problems this week...

The fact my cortisol is so high that i can not sleep till 3am evne with valium doesnt help either..

I do have a lot of things going on. Im not simply lazy... Deadlifting is all i want to do at the moment but i know when to listen to my body and im not going to risk injury... That is why i have simply been bench pressing and doing faggett exercises.
^^^ Yep, that's exactly the "assistance" exercises I use in my PPP programme. Check my log if you don't believe me.

I sort of broke it down into a push/pull/legs three-way split. So, on my push day I do bench/delts/tris, then pull I do deads/biceps and legs I do squats/calves/core.

I guess the only slight mod I applied was the core work on squats day. Going to add front squats next week to really target my core. I'm also doing more hamstring work on legs day at the moment over calves as my calves are huge and strong but my hammies are weak. Focussing on my weak muscle in the group I'm working each split.

And, yes, I do MPs on chest day too. They're part of my delt and tri assistance workout.

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I was going to start this week but decided ill wait till after the powerlifting com as I dont know if I will get great benefit only doing 5 weeks
I think in week 6 I tested my 1rms to see how I was going
Pulled 210, up from 195 2 months before
Squatted 155 up from 145 2 months before.
You get stronger from day 1.
Posted via Mobile Device
More success tonight.

Jimmy benched 120kg a PB and Kat squatted 92.5kg, a PB for her. They both actually had to single it twice.

We are getting at the pointy end of the program, so I excpect more PB's to come.
Keen to get started on this program, though have a month left on current program (5x5). Will stick the last 4 weeks out, then look to grab the PPP. What are the odd's of the app being out by then?
Lots of lifters are on around week 8-9, so new PB's are being set.

Kat has squatted 95kg and benched 57.5kg, touch and go, both are PB's

Jimmy benched 120kg, another PB, touch and go

Tonight Nina broke her National Open record with a 65kg bench, she did it twice.

Nathan also broke his with 87.5kg, twice.

Both were paused benches, just like they have to do in competition. In fact, when I talk about benching, assume its paused unless I state it was touch and go.