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Ptc ppp

really looking forward to the PPP iphone ap. ive downloaded other aps to log progress but its a pain in the arse editing them.
Have either of you got runkeeper? Or don't you guys run? Its the best app ever for recording your cardio.
I would have another crack Dancelot.

Amazing how much diet and sleep affect performance.

I repeated that week today and nailed every set with ease! The heavy triples that I failed miserably at (could barely do 1 last time) went up like bang-bang-bang!

How I did it this time:

- 2x 9h sleeps in a row
- Tons of quality foods, eating non-stop since yesterday morning
- 4 epic trips to the bathroom in the morning leading up to the squat session (cos of all the foods)
- Burning desire for revenge for last week's failure

I will probably get the app and give the program a go. Although itllprobably be ages away.
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Simmo has only been training a few months, I really dont know how many all up, he trained earlier this year to lose weight for a wedding, he dropped 16kg, stopped lifting, put it all back on.

When I started the PTC challenge, he contacted me and started again, this time on his own, so he trained for strength. In the 14 weeks, he has lost 10kg, thats pretty good, considering his focus was on strength. He tested his 1RM tonight because he is off to Vietnam. This is 14 weeks of lifting.

Squat 185kg - it was so easy I had him try 200kg, he just missed it, wouldve made 195kg
Bench press 110kg

Deadlift 235kg

Not bad for 14 weeks of 3 x week CONSISTENT training.

He is also training with like minded guys this time, all powerlifting, what a difference that makes.

Two other guys had cracks at PB's tonight, Fat Dave deadlifted 220kg and Luke became the 53rd lifter to pull 200kg at PTC.

**** me that guys has lifts the same as me and a lil more and he has been training for 14weeks

Makes me sad.
You guys all know of Matt Kroc and Jim Wendler.

In the last couple of weeks I read where both had a slight dig at Louie Simmons from Westside.

They both stated that Westside training was nothing special, its the PEOPLE at Westside that makes the difference.

When Simmo had his first stint, it was to simply fit into a suit for a mates wedding, the groom, bride, best man and another from the grooms side were all training.

Simmo is the only one still there. No progress in strength was made in the first stint, but he did lose 16kg.

This time around, he trains with MY lifters.

His gains are a testament to consistency and effort. The fact he lost 10kg and hasnt had a drink for the whole time is brilliant.

He has obviously made strength gains and built muscle, so the 10kg scale weight doesnt tell the whole story either.

He was soooooooo close to that 200kg squat as well.
God damn I'm getting bored of reading training advice. I well and truly know what I'm doing nowadays, its just doing it.
Is their any chance AT ALL that I can fit 20reppers in once a week Markos?
I squat Monday, bench Wednesday, deadlift Friday. Thursday? Friday? Will it simpily be too much?
I want quads dammit
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Two other guys had cracks at PB's tonight, Fat Dave deadlifted 220kg and Luke became the 53rd lifter to pull 200kg at PTC.

I just nailed my Squat 130 PPP target in week 6 too! Stoked!!

Running at 140 now. Lift, eat, sleep. The new me. Can't wait to get to that 200kg pull benchmark too.

Is their any chance AT ALL that I can fit 20reppers in once a week Markos?
I squat Monday, bench Wednesday, deadlift Friday. Thursday? Friday? Will it simpily be too much?
I want quads dammit
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You have other factors affecting this that you know about..

Just wait it will come...

I know my legs arnt great but given cirucmstance si feel they arnt too bad. And i have only done 20 rep squats a handful of times. Most of it was simply 5x5.. But we are all different.

Once you sort a few things out mate i think you will be well on your way.
Front Squat, box jumps and sprinting are all great for quad development, Sticky, and they don't burn you out quickly like widowmaker squats.
I do front squats, 5x3
I box jump, 32" and 40"
I don't do sprints though.

20rep squats don't affect me for days though. I do my set, I cry a little, sleep alot then I feel fine.....
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Sticky I did them for 3 weeks in the middle of my current ppp cycle, i did them in the morning of my bench day then went home and ate and slept then got up and did bench
It works if the only thing your prepared to do on bench day and the following day is Sleep, Eat, Nap
If you work/school on either of those days forget about it
i stopped after 3 weeks because i started to feel adrenal burnout as i was also stacking hepburn alongside
I plan to do 20 reppers between PPP cycles. 52 weeks a year, 11 weeks per PPP cycles, meaning you have 4 cycles and 2 weeks between each. 8 weeks a year is plenty for torture widowmaker squats.
I work 6am till 230 or 4pm 5 days, then 6 till 11 on Saturdays.
Maybe I should wait untill the end of PPP. I might do PPP 3 times a year and fill the rest up with 20 reppers.
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Sticky you have nearly made your goal squat that you had planned for the end of the year, 6 months away. Just keep doing what you are doing it seems to work for you. You have already surpassed your deadlift and nearly hit the squat plus you are going all out healthy due to some medical issues. I think you should just do what you are doing and try to get healthy.