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Ptc ppp

Ability to add custom exercises
Ability to add custom workouts (if it is not just for ppp)
Monitoring stats - bodyweight, body fat etc 1 RM's
Backup ability (good for when your iPhone crashes)
Editable workout - exercise order
Weekly/Monthly workout planner (calendar like)
Exercise descriptions (photos maybe, video if you have it)

I use iFitness too Sticky, its ok, a little annoying at times but it does what I need and allows me to play my music.

After using iFitness i think a nice layout is very important. Do not make buttons too small as it makes trouble pressing them/the right one when in your workout (this pisses me off at times when I do not want distractions).
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This first one will be solely for PPP, but Jimmy is working on add ons, if that makes sense.

To be honest, I knew PPP would be efective because of the underlying principles, but I had no idea you guys would make the progress you have.

All I can put it down to is that you were training like faggots previously lol

I'm only joking, guys that were very strong before got even stronger with it. Kelly? Nick?

I thought Nicks 900kg total at AD10 was amazing, his current total sits at 915kg. He has 10kg in the squat and 15kg in the dead right now.

He will total 1000kg at AD12. As soon as he gets his bench on lol
He is so f u c k i n g strong at EVERYTHING, except bench and MP. Its funny I can say that about a guy who benches 150kg and MP 100kg lol. Most guys would take that and print it on a shirt.

The thing is, while Simon has benched 180kg, Spiros has deadlifted 300kg, some other dweeb MP 102.5kg, Nick will always have targets.

Thats what keeps motivating him, that and his sissy boy bench
don't have in iphone so i can't comment on the app, looks sweet as tho.

To be honest, I knew PPP would be efective because of the underlying principles, but I had no idea you guys would make the progress you have.

anyway, just wondering what these underlying principles are? id love to read about them on the net, progressive resistance, etc?

thanks M.

I don't think gary thinks very much of his own lifts.
Oh , I know, he actually comes across as very humble, its just that he was using dated numbers, and his comment about dick swinging perked my interest.

He never mentions bench press, anyone know how much he benches?
Oh , I know, he actually comes across as very humble, its just that he was using dated numbers, and his comment about dick swinging perked my interest.

He never mentions bench press, anyone know how much he benches?

he doesnt say because its his worst lift. Its no real test of strength anyway.
Its okay, I found it in his journal.

Interesting how he didnt compare his bench when he said we had no cause for dick swinging lol

He compared his wrapped and belted squat with Kelly and Nico, and he did okay.

his bench is 60kg lower than Kellys, and 30kg lower than Nico's.

By my calculation, Kelly totals 200lbs more than Gary, in the same class.

I dont know about you guys, but thats a dick swinging advantage.

Gary, if you read this, I'm joking big fella, your doing great.

Your battles with that minh character are quite funny.
Hey Markos can I make a suggestion?

You're PPP programs pretty good, I'd say its on par with 5/3/1.

Have you ever considered doing a write-up like Rips on squat/bench/deadlift/press/power clean form? (or even the first two). There arn't a lot of great resources out there on that sort of stuff, and a lot ADD lifters (and there is A LOT out there) can't get through the 300+ page in starting strength.

Also its nice to get an australian view on things. When Rip says 'use the power bar' you could count the number of gym managers in australia who can direct you to the 'power bar' on one hand. Would probs make for a good text.
Thanks for the compliment Oli.

as far as books go, the ns.com crew know, I have 2 half finished ones.

the first one is called "Where do you live" and it came about because of my most popular newsletter, I still get comments on it.

In my job I get lots of people sending me pics for diets, so I get to see a lot of lifters that are living in Crapville. They may take off to get to Buffville, but as the long indirect journeys continues, the destination blurs, and most end up in Fatville. Some may get close to Buffville, eventually, but they will move back to Fatville because life is easier there.
If you get to Buffville via the back streets, and visit towns like Drunkville and Stonedville, stopping at Weakville, you may not like the discipline that is enforced in Buffville by the town Sheriff, moving back to Stonedville where there is no Sheriff.
Most should simply stay in Crapville and save the petrol. I have met many people who come to the Travel Agency to buy a map for Buffville, they then realize it takes around 12 months, with no sightseeing, so the journey never starts. They may get in the car, but it never starts. Then there are others who take off for Buffville, but when they weigh up the costs, they turn back after 3 months, or simply move into Failureville, planning to move to Buffville, but never quite get there, stopping off at Pissedville or KrispyKremeville, and figuring that was good enough.
You see, I work in a travel agency. I have lots of people come to me for maps, but it seems map reading was never a priority at school for most, either that or their satnav is playing up. I have nearly run out of maps for Weakville and Ordinaryville, I have lots and lots for Buffville though.
It’s true that the scenic route to Buffville is interesting and exciting, but the chicks look so much better in Buffville, no muffin tops there, I can’t say the same for the chicks at Loserville though.
Maybe I should post up some holiday snaps of people who have come in for a map to Buffville or Strongville, only to never get there due to lack of discipline and purpose. The problem is that most people have no idea how long it takes to get to Buffville. It’s a good 12 months of solid driving. No time to check out the small towns like Smallville and Lazyville on the way, stopping at Drunkville will slow you down as it takes awhile to get out of there.
The best part is though, once you realize it’s a 12 month journey, and you commit, you can get there in 6 months if you go flat out and ignore the sign posts like, Party drugs here, Last stop for beer, Turn left for Disco biscuits. Upon arriving at Buffville, you will feel euphoric. You will feel you have accomplished something. Your neighbor’s, just 2 minutes away at Strongville will greet you on arrival and invite you over.
Now holiday planning in Buffville is exciting, as it only takes a weekend to get to Drunkville and back, as opposed to getting to Buffville in the first place, which is a much much longer trip. That what people who have never been to Buffville don’t realize. You don’t have to stay there indefinitely, you can take weekend holidays whenever you like, for you will always remain a resident of Buffville once you get there. Very few tourists reside in Buffville, seems no one wants to leave when they get there.
Pity so few make it. I don’t expect anyone that hasn’t been to Buffville or Strongville will ever understand. The road to Strongville is just as tough, but in another way. You will get battered and bruised on the way, its part of the fun. You will get some dreadful directions from people who claim to have been there. It’s easy to spot the ones that have, if you know what you’re looking for. Generally, a teenager will be clueless, he doesn’t even realize it exists. He lives in FitnessFirstville, a place that is filled with weak misinformed individuals.

They hop on these machines that spin up quite fast, bikes, rolling roads, moving stairs, thinking they will be at Strongville in no time, only to never get there, living out their years in Ignorantville instead. They search and search for Strongville, but they’re looking in the wrong place. It’s okay to move into Buffville if you don’t wish to move up to Strongville, Buffville is a very pleasant place, but they regard their neighbor’s at Strongville with awe.
It disappoints me to see people get so distracted on their journey. I know how hard it is. I also know the rewards that await those that get there. Life in Strongville is great. You make friends easy, guys want to be you, girls want to be with you, all seek advice from you. Life in Undisciplinedville is the exact opposite. You can kid yourself that you’ll move out of Undisciplinedville, seldom happens. Life is easy there. Why move. Nobody ever expects you to do anything or achieve anything. Life is simple, yet somehow empty.
I don’t expect those that have never been to Strongville or Buffville to understand, but come for a look, I know you will love it. Plan to take 12 months to get there, quicker if you’re really disciplined and stick to the main road. If you currently reside in Disciplinedville, I should be seeing you shortly.
I also know of girls living in Denialville. They think eating sweets will have no effect to the way they look. It may not while they are eating them, but collectively it takes a heavy toll. You can’t walk it off. Denialville is littered with overweight girls pumping their arms while they go on long drawn out walks. They should keep on walking till they reach Disciplenville, because until they do, nothing will change. They deny themselves pizza, fish and chips, because it will make them fat, but think nothing of drinking wine or eating chocolate. News flash. Wine has zero goodness, empty calories, at least fish or pizza has protein. These citizens are easily the most stubborn and ignorant. They come up with a host of different excuses. The problem is there are no schools in Denialville, myths are passed along from generation to generation, while gleaming over dessert menus. Not much sex in Denialville either, at least not with the lights on. If you are living there, move.
Moronville also has its share of problems. Leather, vinyl and lycra are in high demand. Gloves are worn 24/7, just in case something heavy needs to be lifted. You look naked if you walk the streets without a belt. Singlet’s and lycra are worn to church, all gathered around the preacher bench, waiting for their turn. Belts tightened, they burp out funny noises while pumping their biceps full of blood while simultaneously draining their brains of any intelligence they may have possessed. These guys don’t even realize that any other towns even exist. Life is bliss in Moronville. We don’t even have a branch there.

Markos……Travel consultant. On holidays at PepsiMaxville.
I reckon there are enough good books out there for beginners, I really do, one more from me wont help.

Most beginners want flashing lights, split routines, exotic exercises, they dont want to hear you do 4-5 basic compound moves, eat everything in sight, get big.

I would rather write programs for those genuinely willing to work hard. I may sell, make less money, but get more job satisfaction.

I have just finished the follow up to PPP, its called AAA, advanced athletic ability.

Its for those that play arena sport, want to get faster or jump higher, dont have access to a gym, you just need a bar and squat stands. The Olympic lifts need coaching, and you can get the benefits of the quick lifts without needing to do them as they are done in competition. The powerclean will gave an athlete as much performance as a full clean as an example.

Its a 9 week program, designed to move the 3 lifts up around 10kg. Its also a great way to have a break from PPP while still getting stronger in different exercises.

Its why I dont like deloading, instead of deloading, move to a different training regime, dont have a rest, change. Obviously a professional powerlifter wont do that, but my programs arent for professional powerlifters, or Olympic lifters.

I train lifters that participate in many sports, not just PL. Footballers, MMA, basketball, soccer etc.

These sports need a different approach, no need for assistance exercises, you cant get away with squatting just once a week, the volume is much less, 36 reps per session etc

Its very specific in that its objective is to make you stronger and faster, more athletic, and will have an incredibly high caloric cost for those looking at weight loss but wont eat correctly.

I've used theories from the Bulgarian weightlifters and what we've done at PTC.

These are 3 exercises Max has done a lot of, and he is by far and away the most athletic lifter at PTC by a long, long way, speed, vertical, agility, fitness.

I have stripped it bare, only the essentials, done in a pre planned way, much the same as PPP, but a very different rep/set/volume. No assistance exercises at all.

More later, I'll start a different thread.
I reckon there are enough good books out there for beginners, I really do, one more from me wont help.
I agree they don't need the technical stuff, or to be told just what to do - but you could write some good motivational stuff, I reckon. You create a memorable turn of phrase. "Do more, more or more - more weight, more sets or more reps." "If you want to get bigger and still enjoy food you are not eating enough." And so on. All good stuff, which is why I've stolen it.

PTC said:
I would rather write programs for those genuinely willing to work hard. I may sell, make less money, but get more job satisfaction.
I can certainly relate to choosing to do something you enjoy rather than something which would make you more money.
With your lifts Amac (and your interest in a higher jump) you are indeed ready for some power training.