Active member
So since the move from Kallangur to Northgate, PTC has gotten much busier.
Only being 10km out of Fortitude Valley (the Valley) means we now have more people training from the southside/st Lucia area.
Being a 2 minute walk from the Northgate station is a big bonus too.
As such, we have added a bit more equipment, and moved some things around making sure we get the most out of our set up.
I think we have done pretty well....
2 cages and a GHR
3 benches
QLD's ONLY Monolift, with calibrated Ivanko powerlifting plates.
DB's up to 50kg, and stones up to 157kg.
95kg Yoke, which we also use to throw stones over.
Kegs from 34kg to 93kg. We use these for clean and press, as well as throwing them over the yoke, or doing carries in a conditioning circuit. Also, the beloved prowler.
3 sets of squat stands. The orange one can can be cambered in (pictured) or have the stands vertical.
KB's from 4kg to 64kg, trap bar farmers handles.
Texas deadlift bar, and plenty of bumper plates.
Dip bars, with assorted accessories that get used around the gym such as:
- Bands
- Harness for pulls
- Ropes for "arm over arm" training
- Slingshots
- Rams
- Chains
- Pipe/foam roller
- Jumping boxes.
Oly platform, with a Pendaly Oly bar. Plenty of bumpers. 2 Axles, one that has been actually knurled, and a log.
As you can see, PTC is well equipped for just about any strength and conditioning training that you could want to do. We have elite powerlifters and strongmen that exclusively train out of PTC, so what ever you train for, the members at PTC are always willing to help.
We have a 15mx4m cleared space inside the gym, so you can do prowler/yoke/farmers training INSIDE rather than in a carpark. This means rain, hail, or shine you can be flogged.
My goal is to have the BEST strength and conditioning gym in QLD. If we arent already there, we are well on our way.
Equipment to come:
Eleiko powerlifting bar.
Adjustable bench
Another flat bench
More DB's (up to 80kg min)
More speciality bars
If you want to see what sort of stuff we do at PTC, check out our thread on this forum.
Its constantly updated on things that we do/achieve.
Our next big thing is the GPC Australian nationals were our PL team will not only smash national records, but MANY world records.
Thanks for checking it out
PTC Brisbane - home
Only being 10km out of Fortitude Valley (the Valley) means we now have more people training from the southside/st Lucia area.
Being a 2 minute walk from the Northgate station is a big bonus too.
As such, we have added a bit more equipment, and moved some things around making sure we get the most out of our set up.
I think we have done pretty well....
2 cages and a GHR

3 benches

QLD's ONLY Monolift, with calibrated Ivanko powerlifting plates.

DB's up to 50kg, and stones up to 157kg.

95kg Yoke, which we also use to throw stones over.

Kegs from 34kg to 93kg. We use these for clean and press, as well as throwing them over the yoke, or doing carries in a conditioning circuit. Also, the beloved prowler.

3 sets of squat stands. The orange one can can be cambered in (pictured) or have the stands vertical.

KB's from 4kg to 64kg, trap bar farmers handles.

Texas deadlift bar, and plenty of bumper plates.

Dip bars, with assorted accessories that get used around the gym such as:
- Bands
- Harness for pulls
- Ropes for "arm over arm" training
- Slingshots
- Rams
- Chains
- Pipe/foam roller
- Jumping boxes.

Oly platform, with a Pendaly Oly bar. Plenty of bumpers. 2 Axles, one that has been actually knurled, and a log.

As you can see, PTC is well equipped for just about any strength and conditioning training that you could want to do. We have elite powerlifters and strongmen that exclusively train out of PTC, so what ever you train for, the members at PTC are always willing to help.
We have a 15mx4m cleared space inside the gym, so you can do prowler/yoke/farmers training INSIDE rather than in a carpark. This means rain, hail, or shine you can be flogged.
My goal is to have the BEST strength and conditioning gym in QLD. If we arent already there, we are well on our way.
Equipment to come:
Eleiko powerlifting bar.
Adjustable bench
Another flat bench
More DB's (up to 80kg min)
More speciality bars
If you want to see what sort of stuff we do at PTC, check out our thread on this forum.
Its constantly updated on things that we do/achieve.
Our next big thing is the GPC Australian nationals were our PL team will not only smash national records, but MANY world records.
Thanks for checking it out

PTC Brisbane - home