oh yeah, you can make fluff with meringue as well so even fluffier (plus more protein).
he makes two mistakes in the vid:
1. he doesn't show when he's added the egg whites. he adds them when the rest of the fluff is already fluff and whisks away until it's all mixed together.
2. poor sod takes forever to fluff the mix because he doesn't blend the fruit, pro pow and milk first. If i did that in a bowl, there'd be splattered fruit and casein all over the walls. :-/
Stiffened egg whites = meringue (without sugar):
It won't work as well with thawed frozen egg whites, much better with fresh for whipping. Place them in a clean, dry bowl (any water or other stuff in there will break down the protein structure). Whisk them on a medium speed until you get stiff peaks.
The egg whites go all frothy, then opaque and double in volume and then stiffen up as you continue to whisk. They are ready when you lift the whisk and the peaks stay upright.