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ProRaw Powerlifting

Let us know the weight classes as soon as you have decided markos as my weight/training over the next 3 months will be focused on being within 1 kg of the lightest weight class.
It will either be 80 or 85kg Michael.

The one that concerns me most is the 125kg +, as we dont have many competitors in that range, so if that one comes down to 115kg say, the others all drop a bit
Okay, here is a list of competitors from this years National State Titles in Australia, CAPO and PA, raw and equipped, 3 lift full meet only

80kg class - 44 lifters
95kg class - 33 lifters
110kg class - 30 lifters
110kg+ class - 16 lifters

This split gave me the most even and the fairest spread.

As you can see, we have more lifters in the lightest division, with a drop as the weight increases. Moving the weight classes up 5 or 10kg simply makes the difference even greater.

For those interested, here is the split by fed.

PA 26

PA 13

PA 13

PA 8

So the Weight class divisions will be

80kg - 95kg - 110kg - 110kg+
Thank you Liam, hows your training going?

Was going great until my knee crapped out again, hopefully see my physio this week, down to around 80kg aswell, feels much better being lighter.
You might have said somewhere, but why not just run it as a CAPO affiliated meet given that PA and Drug free guys can't do it?
There are so many things I dont like about existing organizations.

I understand their hands are tied, they run under International Feds and their rules.

I, and others who have competed at PTC comps, still regard them as infinitely more fun.

I carry no baggage, i can do what I like, I answer to no one.

I dont want to run anyone or any fed down, so I wont elaborate on a public forum as to what shits me, those close to me know the issues.

One day if we meet somewhere Steve,I can go over them with you.
Another thing, I am simply adding this to the Oz powerlifting calender, its not replacing any existing events, just adding.

The PTC guys will still be doing the CAPO events.

I am also hoping that the cash prizes may attract some lifters from PA. Obviously the more lifters, the bigger the purse. I know that in the US the IPF cant stop lifters competing in other Feds, I'm not sure why its different here, maybe someone can tell me.

I think a cash prize for PL is long overdue. Nobody lifts for cash, but its a nice little bonus if you can get it.

I will be working with sponsors for the next 2-3 weeks, hopefully I can pull off a big one, I'll let you guys know how I go
Gordon Santee qualified for Worlds in 5 Feds this year, IPF included.

He did tell me though that he wasnt going to bother with IPF, he is not a fan.

Not knowing there system, how did he qualify, what is there American Fed that he qualified through and why was he allowed to compete and qualify, seeing as he lifts in multiple feds.

I'm not very switched on with PL politics, but I am interested, thats why I'm asking

Early on in this thread I mentioned how few lifters actually go to Worlds from Australia. If the motivation to lift at Worlds is the one keeping anyone in a Fed, I'd like to see more of them competing.

I think PA had one at the Junior Worlds and CAPO had one at the raw Worlds. There may be some CAPO lifters going to the WPC equipped Worlds.

What are the other 150 waiting for.

Now, your comment about not being competetive against juicers in Oz.

I beg to differ, I think you are FAR more competetive against non tested athletes in Oz than you are against tested athletes abroad.

Raw 110kg class at the CAPO Nats - Jason Durbridge 842.5kg
Raw 110kg class at the WPC Worlds - Vladimir Minin 670kg

Equipped 110kg class IPF Worlds - This is funny. (2010 hasnt happened yet)

At the 2009 IPF Worlds, the top 4 lifters in the 110kg class totaled over 1000kg, tested, single ply.

You totaled 725kg at the 2010 PA Nationals.

Now you PA guys are much better lifters than I ever was, so dont take this as a dig, but most of you have no hope of ever being competetive at the IPF Worlds, some exceptions obviously.

Even young Daniel Anderson is 160kg off the pace in the 67.5kg class.

Now the reason for this post is to keep information accurate.

If I have made errors, please correct me. From my knowledge of your raw lifting, you would have placed 2-3rd at the WPC Raw Worlds.

So as far as I can tell, you are more competetive against untested lifters than tested..........why?

You and I both know the answer Paul, tested does not mean drug free overseas, it simply means "tested".

Chris, who is a once in a generation lifter, is 160kg behind in his weight class, to a Russian.
The no competing outside PA rule is I've been told a mandate from the Australian sports commission and ASADA, to ensure that those lifting in a tested environment can't avoid drug testing by competing untested.
Which is nonsensical, since competing in a second federation does not change the drug tests you'll be subject to in the first federation. You're still tested, if you pass the pass is not affected by other comps, it's not like you can absorb performance-enhancing drugs through airborne sweat of other lifters.

What it'll really be about is not wanting to grant any legitimacy to rival federations, and not wanting those rival federations to be able to claim to be drug-free when all the tests are paid for by PA. So the ban on performing in rival federations is a prestige and money thing, nothing to do with the drug policy as such.
I have an imperfect and partial understanding- but here it is:
The PA constitution and regulations are shaped by directives from ASC. I'm not sure how much is ASC and how much is PA, but the end result is that PA members are only allowed to lift in PA or IPF sanctioned events- with the further requirement- that PA members also not compete in any other (ie non-PA sanctioned) powerlifting events.
Last year I was invited to lift at Raw Unity- I asked for permission, but was told if I did it I would be banned. Even though its in USA I am still a PA member and therefore covered by PA regulations.

Norway has the same type of rule- but even more extreme- Roy Holte, former world record holder, was overlooked for international selection due to his involvement in 'untested' strongman. I believe Canada has also been 'flirting' with similar rules.
As far as lack of participation at world events goes- its money thats the main obstacle. Texas cost me about $3500, Austria was more like $4000. Its hard to justify spending that money unless you have money to burn.

As far as competitiveness goes- yes its true- we struggle. But, there is still 1 open world record held by an Aussie women, a fair few medals coming in the juniors and masters and a few open lifters who are genuine shots at open medals. On the scheme of things I think thats pretty awesome considering how small the pool of lifters is in Oz compared to the PL powerhouses. The simple fact is that for lifters like me powerlifting isn't about $$ or glory, but pushing weights and getting stronger. I don't think any purse would convince me to lift in a comp that would get me banned from the IPF. The pro-bench has been around for a while- and the same type of incentive is found there. As far as I know only 1 PA lifter has ever signed up and lifted.

I am not certain, but I think it may be the ASC setting this requirement. Also, PA does not pay for its drug tests- the funding comes from the ASC.
I don't imagine prizes - or anything else - would make anyone change federations. That's just human nature, you get attached to a particular group, a bunch of people.

But when they're a new lifters deciding which federation to join, prizes will I think be part of what makes them decide where to go.

To be honest, while I think Markos' approach and ideas are very good here, looking at it objectively, having yet another federation pop up has never really helped any sport. Boxing, anyone?
Sounds like a load of shit to me, and does nothing for the sport.

How many lifters are going to be at the Muscle Pit on the weekend for the PA comp?