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Pre workout supps..what to take?

best thing to take pre workout is either a good pre workout formula like no-explode or something like horsepower by ultimate nutrition best thing to have post is a whey protein isolate or mass stack creatine like cell tech

I'm willing to back every word I write re pre/during and post workout nutrition for a bodybuilder. Would you be willing to do the same re what you have recommended above Sir? Thank you for your time.

Hi Fadi.
I always look forward to your words of wisdom.
I have already read all that, which is one reason why Im a fan of Caffeine now even to the point where Diet Coke and Chocolate are my enemies now, ill probably crack on the chocolate side though every now and then.

For myself though I should have ellaborated a little more as I dont use it for fat loss as such but more for the adrenalin side of things so I can attack a one week road ride with aggression it just happens to coincided with one of my only training sessions that I used to keep some weight down as well.
That and they are so boring lol Im more likely to turn around and go home when Im not on it as Im more of a jump invested track, rough terrain, or elbow rubbing put a competitior over a corner type of racer.
Any other road rides as such are more on recovery side of things just to keep to keep my legs moving and are more like going for a stroll than aggressive.

But if you have another idea for me that could help me switch on for the road ride, Im willing to try it out as Id like to get rid of it all together if I could.

I have the op for a good work/training balance now where pre-workouts after being too tired from a day of unloading containers or working in factories are a thing of the past, so they were easy to get rid of but I still cant deny that after work it was really hard to push myself to even do training at all when I didnt take them.
But if you have another idea for me that could help me switch on for the road ride, Im willing to try it out as Id like to get rid of it all together if I could.

Hi Terry,

If I understand you correctly, you'd like to give caffeine up but retain that adrenaline kick that you get from it; yes?

Before we get into that, I had a look at the goals you'd like to achieve and I must say that I'm a little bit confused. I understand that it's your ambition to be the World BMX Champion rider. But I also see a young man who's aspiring to lift 5 plates on the squat and deadlift exercises! I need an explanation here please just so I know what your real aim is.

Terry, I come from the same planet earth you come from. I'm no different from you; neither in my physiology nor anatomy department; that I guarantee you. I've stopped anything that supposed to give me a lift when I turned 15 years old. Am I tougher than you? I doubt it very much. The difference was that I made a conscious and firm decision at that young age to rely on my own mind power. This is no different than having that attitude of: "if you want to make sure the job is done, then do it yourself." Self reliance is king and will reign supreme any day of the week! I control me, and therefore won't allow anything nor anyone access to my mind without my permission.

Terry, if only you knew the edge you'd have over the competition when you don't and they do consume caffeine for that adrenaline rush. That edge Terry is called C.O.N.T.R.O.L.

Sure, adrenaline is great when it serves the purpose it was designed for; punch harder or run faster! I can not think of any other legitimate purpose and I'm being very honest with you here Terry. Run faster from danger or stand your ground and smash that offender!

That was the good part.

The bad part is more often then not, you have no control of what is going on around you. Let me explain...

You won't remember what the hell happened or how it happened. You don't think straight because you think you're either a full Superman or a mini superman; but a superman nevertheless. Your pain receptors get numb/dull and you won't have a true measurement of how much you're pushing yourself. This is no different than getting into a fight and getting punched in the eye and not feeling a thing (at the time).

I hope I haven’t bored you to tears, but it’s important that you understand what I’m saying here before we can proceed any further. I’ll end my preliminary remarks with this: a realistic goal will always serve as a magnificent tool to keep that belly fire burning ever so intensely.

So what’s your real goal Terry?

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BMX is a 30second race, the MTB racing I do is a max a 60 but downhill so both are sprint sports where the start means everything.
The goal of 5plates is just a personal goal for a mental boost I have for a strength phase even if I only get one out Ill be stoked as my previous PB has been 3 set of 4 at 4.5 plates I couldn't do it all the time but I acheived it enough to say I can do it when I last did my fulltime training program not long before racing mtb's in europe in 07 but not being a huge guy 4.5 has been a definite limit as even when Ive added a 1.25kg plate I cant even get it close to beginning to go up at all and is more of a mental block than anything.
A previous training partner of mine(an ex world champion) squated just over 6 a side, he is a bit taller and carrying more weight but still.

My goal at the moment is to be on the 2011 australia team for mtb's(which Ive been on before) and also bmx which will be hard with all the up and comers coming through but achievable.

I will go off all caffeine when I start my next training cycle soon as I have been caffeine free for over 6 weeks now preparing for it and a few more months with just a small diet coke a day.
Gym, sprints skills I have done caffeine free previously without issues and its been fine I can psych myself up plenty for those but the road rides, I have always struggled a little to put in the effort I want to without it.

Cortisol on the other hand my GF helps out with enough when she takes my credit card. lol.
Off Topioc, but I have to ask. TS153, Have you Squatted and Deadlifted 200kg? If so, nice! What are your stats?
At the time I was about 82kg, 174cm
Not long after I went to a more power/speed focused regime with more jump type exercises and plyometrics and my max dropped on squat to about 170 at 78kg
Also 200 deadlift were a one test everynow and then out of interest I prefer a stiff legged DL and stay at about 160kg to maintain rather than build on it and focus on getting it up quicker.
Today Im 92kg lol.

(sprints with huge gears on the bmx helped alot build it up, I struggle even getting 150kg without the sprints involved)
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They are some nice lifts. What about Bench Press?
I'd struggle on 1 plate a side, I dont pedal with with my arms lol. I generally try body weight exercises on the upper body or lower weight with speed/power and stability involving more core work too, trying to keep only enough weight (of muscle) on my upper body to keep up with my legs.
Im going to try more upper body strength work in when I begin training again properly again as I started to get some lactic acid burn in races for a while in my tri's and bi's that was hard to get rid of.
Have you tried SuperPump250? It's similar to White Flood but I found more positive research on the net.
Also, I've heard lots of places suggesting to take Creatine before a workout, and L-Glutamine Post workout, but lots of other places say the oposite.... Very confusing.
Some sites say to take them together as a pre-worout cocktail. Does anyone know what the optimum times are for these supps?
Creatine can be taken any time, peak saturation will occur after 1 week or so. as far as L-Glut it may be better to spread the dosages throughout the day. 2-3gms 3 times.
Morning, after workout and before bed.


SuperPump250 is fine until you get to the ingredients in this part of the supplement...Lipolytic/Xtreme Focus Agent (Patent Pending).

Thanks fadi but I'm not too familiar with that ingredient. I'll hit google and check it out cheers
Ok this is what i found. Seems like the only issue involved could be the caffeine content?

*Lipolytic/Xtreme Focus Agent: This blend is a melange of compounds known to affect mood, improve alertness, reduce oxidative stress and enhance focus/concentration.

Glucuronolactone is a familar ingredient to "Red Bull" drinkers. While it has never been tested in isolation as a performance or energy booster, anecdotal reports—as well as my own experience—suggest it has some effects.
Caffeine needs no explanation, I think.
Tyrosine is a precursor to stimulatory neurotransmitters (epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine).
Vinpocetine is an alkaloid derived from periwinkle that affects cerebral blood flow, memory and learning.
Huperzine is an alkaloid isolated from a Chinese moss (Huperzia serrata) that has neuroprotective and cognitive effects.
Ginkgo biloba is a source of bioactive flavonoids and terpenoids that have antioxidant effects and also enhance memory and learning.
Rhodiola rosea, like ginseng, is an adaptogen.
N-acetyl-cysteine is a precursor to glutathione, one of the most important antioxidants in the body. Glutathione (among other functions) helps reduce exercise-related oxidative stress.
Bazari, I'm not a fan of any uppers due to the way they well...stimulate your adrenal glands. That in turn will stimulate cortisol release which is a muscle muncher. I've written enough on the subject on this forum. One step forward and two back is not the best way to build and /or maintain muscle Bazari. Thank you.

superdump...oh i mean superpump is ok if you want light headedness and a bad gut. i do admit for the first week you will notice a difference in energy or alertness however this for me has most definately had a plateau effect after the first week. still there are guys who swear by it. what ever floats your boat!!
Ive been sampling through a few pre trainers, mostly to see what/if they do for me.

So far ive tried:

HorsePower and Black Powder. taken 30 mins prior to workout with water.

HorsePower in a word: sh!t!! Tasted terrible, didnt mix well, gagged it down then nothing. No results, didnt feel a thing depsite the product being massively talked up on the web. Would not accept a tub of the stuff as a gift. Terrible.

Black Powder: Tried this yesterday and will again this arvo. Much better then HP. Mixed well, its fizzy and tasty. Felt a bit of a pump, not sure if it was in my head though. Would rate higher then HP, ill try it again tonight doing heavy lifts and see what happens.

Im not really interested in buying a tub of anything and working it in, more just trying it to see what it does, if anything.

EDIT: If you feel like staying awake until 12.00am then take Black Powder... The last two nights Ive gone to bed at 9.30-10.00 and CANNOT sleep. Had the AC on, nice and comfy and just cant sleep. its ridiculous. Even though I feel like I got a decent 'pump' from it I wouldnt take it again as sleeps way more important.
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Two more to add: Amped (Orange Flavour) and Red Zone (with Power Grape)

Amped: Somewhere between Horsepower and Black Powder for taste. Def not great but not as horrible as HP, did not notice any effects...

Red Zone: Red Zone is actually in pill form so has no taste. Supposedly gives a 21.1% increase in power! Nah. I hit PBs in this workout but I think thats more I was prepped for them then 21.1% power increase, I shouldve been able to do a 230kg deadlift if that was the case. It was not.

My findings:
Black Powder was the only product that seemed to give me any kind of 'kick/boost. Side Effect: Sleep loss. Probably not as bad if you took it in the morning prior to workout but I workout at 5pm...

Given its $120 a tub for black powder... I think ill give it a miss.
bluey, try jack3d.

Small tub, but you dont need anywhere near as much as the other ones. It's pretty cheap, and so far its my favourite. Do a few searches online