Hi Terry,
If I understand you correctly, you'd like to give caffeine up but retain that adrenaline kick that you get from it; yes?
Before we get into that, I had a look at the goals you'd like to achieve and I must say that I'm a little bit confused. I understand that it's your ambition to be the World BMX Champion rider. But I also see a young man who's aspiring to lift 5 plates on the squat and deadlift exercises! I need an explanation here please just so I know what your real aim is.
Terry, I come from the same planet earth you come from. I'm no different from you; neither in my physiology nor anatomy department; that I guarantee you. I've stopped anything that supposed to give me a lift when I turned 15 years old. Am I tougher than you? I doubt it very much. The difference was that I made a conscious and firm decision at that young age to rely on my own mind power. This is no different than having that attitude of: "if you want to make sure the job is done, then do it yourself." Self reliance is king and will reign supreme any day of the week! I control me, and therefore won't allow anything nor anyone access to my mind without my permission.
Terry, if only you knew the edge you'd have over the competition when you don't and they do consume caffeine for that adrenaline rush. That edge Terry is called C.O.N.T.R.O.L.
Sure, adrenaline is great when it serves the purpose it was designed for; punch harder or run faster! I can not think of any other legitimate purpose and I'm being very honest with you here Terry. Run faster from danger or stand your ground and smash that offender!
That was the good part.
The bad part is more often then not, you have no control of what is going on around you. Let me explain...
You won't remember what the hell happened or how it happened. You don't think straight because you think you're either a full Superman or a mini superman; but a superman nevertheless. Your pain receptors get numb/dull and you won't have a true measurement of how much you're pushing yourself. This is no different than getting into a fight and getting punched in the eye and not feeling a thing (at the time).
I hope I haven’t bored you to tears, but it’s important that you understand what I’m saying here before we can proceed any further. I’ll end my preliminary remarks with this: a realistic goal will always serve as a magnificent tool to keep that belly fire burning ever so intensely.
So what’s your real goal Terry?