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Powerlifting Program

OK let's get back to the topic of this thread.

Modo wanted a powerlifting program. Fitnation gave you one

Hyjak gave you another.

So when are you going to start? You have 2 programs now. Pick one, stick with it for 12 weeks MINIMUM, and let us know how you go.

yes, both of which i have showed my training partner...

forget i asked for help... dont worry about it... thanks to the guys who offered advice.
people on here react aggressively towards me, why wouldnt I do the same back?
It's not aggression here, modo, it's frustration.

You frequently complain of lack of progress and ask for help, then reject all suggestions and complain some more. You jump into unrelated threads and do your best to make them about you. Ronnie Coleman could post on here and you'd jump into his threads to say, "man, amazing, I will never be like this, I am hopeless, poor me."

And you never contribute advice or support to anyone else here. Not even a "well done!"

All these are very frustrating things. Which is why I'm putting you on ignore.
i have said things to people on here and other forums, and when i do i have been shot down for being wrong or something. And i dont reject information i do take most of it on board. I do reject stuff i have tried however.

And i do not try to make threads about me, i just add my opinion of myself.

and frustration? i think not. it is just complete agression. Kyle, you yourself even said i was an uneducated country hick. Which I am NOT AT ALL!
back on to powerlifting...

with 5x5, is it generally working at the 85% of the 1RM range ? 90% is usually 3 reps...

You can say that PowerBuilder butyou can notdo that day in and day out without some variation, or stagnation would surely become your friend. I think you're more advance than the 5x5 Mr. Power.

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omg i didnt question him at all! I only said to him i wouldnt be able to make it to melbourne too often to train, and said when i was back here at home I would continue training his way and get my trianing partner to help... i will even show you the PM i sent:

"well thanks man. but will it get me bigger as well? i heard you specialize more in strength training and major powerlifting. but I really want to get bigger and stronger.
let me know man, if u can i will come down there. and can train back here wit my training partner."

that is all i said. and then he wrote back:

"Its comments like that, that will keep you small, weak and unhappy with the way you look.

You decide what you want to do and let me know."

Then i replied:

"please elaborate? if it is because i would train here back in shepp wit my trianing partner, that is because I work 2 jobs, cannot get time off on weekends at all, which only times i can come to melbourne, and if i can come down would onnly be for 2 days."

These were all sent well before Markos wrote here:

"I've already offered him the option of coming up for a free session, he says he wants to get big instead lol

His program is not the problem
His diet is not the problem
His training partner is not the problem"

I was not rude or questioning at all! All i did was make him aware of the fact that I could not get to melbourne often. I never argued back, he went off and posted all this stuff saying how bad i am, I didnt anything this time! I dont get you guys, i did want Markos's help... I dont get what the big deal is here when I didnt do anything?? Where did I quesiton him??? I did say I want to get big but I said I also want to get stronger as well. I really do not see what the problem is here. I didnt argue back at all!!!

private messages are private messages modo, you are not supposed to post these on the forum. read the thread below


Never quote a PM (private message) in public without the permission of the sender.
A powerlifitng program is centred around the Powerlifting lifts, Squat, Bench Press and Deadlifts. The programs mentioned in here are strength programs, not Powerlifting programs.

There are many Powerlifting Programs however, Westside, Wendlers blah blah.
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Do something nice & basic like 5x5 or Mark Rippetoes starting strength program. I highly recommend both, as they make sense in terms of volume / intensity reasons.

The more you read, the more you stink. God himself could give you a tailored made program, if you don't commit to it, start it & complete it, then, well...yeah. Think about it.

Let me tell you a story. A man's house got flooded once. He climbed to the roof praying that god would save him. A helicopter came by & offered to bring him to safety. He said 'no, god will look after me'. A little while longer, a boat came along, with the captin offering to help him. He declined the offer, once again saying god will save him. Shortly after then he droawned
If you havn't done a "strength" program before then I wouldn't go past 5 x 5 to start off with.

This was the 1st strength program I ever did (when I was about 16) - and had great gains in strength and good size gains.

Don't over-think your training program to much mate - 5 x 5 is one of the best programs to start with.

I would take PTC up on his offer and get things going mate!

If your thinking about what program you want to do and not training then you are going backwards!