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Powerlifting Program


Just wondering what is a good program to make you stronger? I want to get strength and size, but mainly muscle strength so I can later get good muscle growth and gains.
Any suggestions? Was considering 5x5 again... Any other ideas, good ideas.
well my training partner said we would consider it... i am trying to find more he wants to find a whole lot and we decide on one together. at the moment, we looking for a range of them and gonna choose one. if i was training alone i would have donee yours right up hyjack.
I've already offered him the option of coming up for a free session, he says he wants to get big instead lol

His program is not the problem
His diet is not the problem
His training partner is not the problem
Yes Markos, but I also said I want to get strength too. AND I also said I would like to come up I need to find the time.
hey PTC how come you are not replying to my PMs?? and what do you mean those things are not the problems? you guys are far to quick to jump to conclusions. Markos, just because I said i could not get to melbourne often because i work more thank one job, and because I have a training partner you cracked them? Well I am sorry I cant just drop everything and rub to Frankston for training right away! No need to go silent and ignore me.
I have plenty of people who want my help without questioning me, when I run out of those kinds of lifters, I'll be in touch with you first, I promise
I haven't been here long and perhaps it is therefore inappropriate for me to say ut I will anyway....modo, these people are offering you good solid advice and have been for sometime it seems. You chose to view this advice as a personal attack...you ask what they mean when they say that your program, your diet and your training partner are not the problem...surely you realise that if it can be concieved in your mind, it can be brought into your physical reality...but you have to be able to see it...you have to find a way to see it and when you do you will make the changes and take the advice needed to keep moving forward.
I have plenty of people who want my help without questioning me, when I run out of those kinds of lifters, I'll be in touch with you first, I promise
Put it this way, modo: I'm getting an education, and will achieve a formal certificate in physical training, and still... once I've told Markos of any relevant conditions that affect my lifting, I wouldn't argue with him about it. I'll wait till the end of the session or (if it seems appropriate) any rest between sets and then ask, "why did we do that?" - so I can learn.

If someone pursuing a formal qualification in this stuff isn't going to argue with him, why would you?
I have plenty of people who want my help without questioning me, when I run out of those kinds of lifters, I'll be in touch with you first, I promise

In other words, 'I have people who ask for my help and appreciate it. No need to help those who are rude, demanding and ignore advice'.

Modo, we are really lucky to have people like Markos and Fadi on the forum. Be grateful for their advise and experience.
+1 - couldn't agree more with you, Bree.

What was this forum like 2-3 months ago, before heaps of interesting and knowledgeable people joined? All that was talked about on here was junk food (fruit loops, etc). It really wasn't very inspiring.

Now we're getting lots of meaty discussions going, and I'm loving it. I'm grateful the forum is the way it is now and we want to keep it that way! Arguing with people way more experienced than you isn't going to help, Modo.

Kyle offered to train you and donate proceeds to charity - are you going to take him up on that?
omg i didnt question him at all! I only said to him i wouldnt be able to make it to melbourne too often to train, and said when i was back here at home I would continue training his way and get my trianing partner to help... i will even show you the PM i sent:

"well thanks man. but will it get me bigger as well? i heard you specialize more in strength training and major powerlifting. but I really want to get bigger and stronger.
let me know man, if u can i will come down there. and can train back here wit my training partner."

that is all i said. and then he wrote back:

"Its comments like that, that will keep you small, weak and unhappy with the way you look.

You decide what you want to do and let me know."

Then i replied:

"please elaborate? if it is because i would train here back in shepp wit my trianing partner, that is because I work 2 jobs, cannot get time off on weekends at all, which only times i can come to melbourne, and if i can come down would onnly be for 2 days."

These were all sent well before Markos wrote here:

"I've already offered him the option of coming up for a free session, he says he wants to get big instead lol

His program is not the problem
His diet is not the problem
His training partner is not the problem"

I was not rude or questioning at all! All i did was make him aware of the fact that I could not get to melbourne often. I never argued back, he went off and posted all this stuff saying how bad i am, I didnt anything this time! I dont get you guys, i did want Markos's help... I dont get what the big deal is here when I didnt do anything?? Where did I quesiton him??? I did say I want to get big but I said I also want to get stronger as well. I really do not see what the problem is here. I didnt argue back at all!!!
In other words, 'I have people who ask for my help and appreciate it. No need to help those who are rude, demanding and ignore advice'.

Modo, we are really lucky to have people like Markos and Fadi on the forum. Be grateful for their advise and experience.

how about you and everyone else shut up before you join in on attacking someone?? I never ignored advice or argued here. Fadi still hasnt replied to my emails... Markos lost it because I said I wouldnt be able to train in Frankston that often... I really do not get what you are all going on about!
this was a pretty dumb comment:

"well thanks man. but will it get me bigger as well? i heard you specialize more in strength training and major powerlifting. but I really want to get bigger and stronger.

of course it will get you bigger, of course it will get you stronger. what the hell else would he be training you for, a chess tournament?

dont expect Markos to sugercoat anything he says, he doesnt for anyone else so he wont for you either
OK let's get back to the topic of this thread.

Modo wanted a powerlifting program. Fitnation gave you one

Hyjak gave you another.

Do this routine, Markos of PTC developed it for beginners and people such as yourself that complain they cant get results. Do it 3 times per week for 6 months, post up what you eat each day, then and only then if you truly have made no results i will believe you.

Breathing squat ( 3 deep breaths between reps ) 1x20 1x15
Superset light pullovers 2x12
Standing Military press 3x8
Bent rows 3x8
Incline press 2x8
BB Curls 2x8
Dips 2xmax

So when are you going to start? You have 2 programs now. Pick one, stick with it for 12 weeks MINIMUM, and let us know how you go.
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Its not the program thats the problem

People have to know when to walk away

Mongo is quite aggressive on here, but when someone comments on his sisters, he does nothing. When he is threatened in a car park face to face, he does nothing.

Doesnt stop him being aggressive on a forum though.

Those guys would never had finished their sentence.

I wont help a guy like mongo on a forum, it has to be face to face
i would like face to face help... this is why i was trying to organise... FYI i would do stuff to those people who talk badly of my family and threaten me but they are only about 20 years older than me and about 40Kg bigger... so i know who would come off second best there. and FYI2 : people on here react aggressively towards me, why wouldnt I do the same back?
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