El Testicle
Goat that feeling
For those that have backed up their testing kit results with a lab test, will find that a distinctive orange colour matches a lab test result in the region of 30-40% protein.
Just a question BN... And be honest here. In case you haven't noticed - we all appreciate honesty :
Doesn't it make you just a little glad that 'no' bull are coming under fire now?

... I mean, on a scale of 1-10 ; just how happy are you kunce right now?
1 being - yeah, it's ok... could be better... got a free coffee at work today kinda good (no free coffee here aye kunce? @Shrek

10 being - Just got a big ass kick-back from the tax return... Not the 'going to get some new trainers' type pay-back, but the 'Shit... families going to holiday in France' kind of kick-back :