I don't know if "epic" is the right word. I will just be happy to see any improvement when I compare my start and finish photo's.
I did get down to 95kg about 3 months ago (12kg loss). However I started to bulk again and just tipped the scales at 100kg.
Incline Bench Press (90 sec )
40kg x 8
60kg x 8
70kg x 8
80kg x 8
87.5kg x 5, 5, 5, 5
Incline DB Flys (90 sec)
30kg x 8, 7, 6, 6
DIPS (60 sec)
Bodyweight x 10, 10, 10, 10
DB Floor Press (90 sec)
30kg x 8, 8, 8, 8
Cable Pressdown ( 60 sec)
35kg x 8
37.5kg x 8, 8, 7
Lying Tricep Extension (60 sec)
14.5kg x 8, 8, 7
Rope Cable Pressdown ( 60 sec)
30kg x 8, 7, 7