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Meal 1 - Fruitloops x2 small bowls
Meal 2 - Iced coffe with some starburst chewy things
Meal 3 - Yiros and a coke

is that a cheat day of some sort?

todays food:

7:00 - shake (500ml milk, 1 banana, 1 tblsp nat peanut butter, 2 scoops protein)
10:00 - 3 boiled eggs
1:00 - 2 sandwichs (corned beef, spinach, mustard, multigrain bread)
1 litre milk
5:00 - approx 300ml milk, 1 scoop protein
7:30 - 2 pieces frozen fish and potato wedges
10:00 - 250g lite cottage cheese

normally have chicken/steak/veges/rice for dinner but have run out of meat so raided the freezer instead
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Kindred always eats like that.

That is why he is strong, but still fat. Or he was when he posted a youtube vid of his bench press.

Nah im just a fat bastard.
Eating this or similar most days

7.00- 1.5 Cups of oats, 1.5 cups milk, 2 eggs, 2 egg whites. Tea/Coffee
10.00- 2 wholemeal sandwiches w/sliced chicken and salad bit of fat free mayo
1.00- 1.5 cup rice with a can of tomato and onion tuna
4.00- 500ml milk w/ 2scoops whey and an orange
7.00- 2Scoops Whey + 45g sugar
8.00 Rump steak + Mashed spuds, carrots corn peas

if i wake up during the night for a leak ill down a couple of scoops of protein mixed w/water
Please critique my meal plan !!!!

Whey Isolate shake after waking up

9am English Muffin, lean sausages, eggs.

11am Protein Bar

1 pm Chicken thigh fillets & rice, or Subway six inch (steak or chicken breast).

3pm banana or some sort of small snack mostly just for energy

5pm Whey protein shake & protein bar straight after workout

7pm (dinner) 2 chicken thigh fillets, with rice

10pm (bed time) 2 chicken thigh fillets, with rice before bed (if not available I have a whey concerntrate shake or some sort of slow releasing protein shake before bed).

I usually eat the above on training days (Mon, Wed, Fri) on my off days (Tue, Thu), I will have a shake in the morning, and chicken or lunch, then usually just have dinner that night usually chicken again.. so Im skipping maybe 1 or 2 meals on my off days. I eat whatever whenever on weekends.
Needs some work Joey. Do not skipmeals on off days, they fuel your next days workout. And eat properly on weekends, they are normal days like weekdays.
Yep.I find if I don`t fill the tank on my off days I am flat and
lacking in strength on my workout days.
post w/o: 2 scoops protein, 30g dextrose in water
1 hour later: 1 chicken breast, 2 cups basmati rice and a pepxi max
bedtime: 250g lite cottage cheese
I just had a huge rump steak with salad.. but it was lacking carbs so I had to slices of low GI bread with cream cheese.
Needs some work Joey. Do not skipmeals on off days, they fuel your next days workout. And eat properly on weekends, they are normal days like weekdays.

Thanks Shrek.

So it seems I am not eating enough? I'll try your suggestions and see how I go...

by the way, whats the best recipe for the Oats whey meal in the morning? do you just mix in a scoop of whey with them?
Cook oats on stove top in milk and mash in a banana or 2 and some honey to sweeten, add unflavoured or vanilla whey if not having other protein source.
Cook oats on stove top in milk and mash in a banana or 2 and some honey to sweeten, add unflavoured or vanilla whey if not having other protein source.

mmm, Ive only got chocolate whey at the moment (just bought 5kg of the stuff) so I might have to go and get some vanilla for the oats ...

by the way the stuff im taking - International Protein - is the best tasting powder Ive tried... and no I dont work for them.
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