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no pics but Seafood Buffet at Twin Waters resort is farkin epic. 4 plates of seafood and 4 plates of dessert. I tried everything except not wasting stomach space on bread and crackers Moreton Bay Bugs are about a million times better than crabs. Cannot go back to crabs I don't think.
Mushrooms on. 400gm rump about to be cooked. Potatoes in the microwave.

Yeah buddy!!!!!

Head Kunce
Amazing tuna steak with ponzu and chilli, a whole bunch of kale, and some oat sourdough for lunch

one of these with a coffee later ... snickers cookies

Holy fuck look what I found in the panty.

[MENTION=16035]catspurr[/MENTION]; that looks delish.

Head Kunce
Slamming time

Snickers cookie slam is also GOOOOOD.

Requires a little more cardio fitness than the Teddy Slam but a little less dexterity for the "catch it before it falls" moment

I had forgotten all about this stuff until you reminded me yesterday.

THANK YOU, [MENTION=12407]Undercover[/MENTION]; !!!

Haha so you need a greater lung capacity to inhale via the snickers?
How dense are they?

What is your preferred 'slam' drink?

I had a Caro (non caffine coffee) last night but feeling a hot chocolate tonight.

Off to IGA for supplies I must go....!!!

They are denser than a normal wheat bikkie as they are flourless. Lots of peanut butter
But hey, cardio done for the week!

I can't drink the dandelion beverages ... much badness ensues
ditto the Teddy Bears right now. Choc Teddies are another motivator to kill the food intolerance

Slam drink of choice is, in order of preference:

1. double espresso (which kinda limits the number of slams )
2. cappuccino
3. hot almond mocha (ie Almond Breeze unsweetened with Vitarium mocha)

I drink a lot of green and peppermint tea but would never slam in a cup of tea... that's just wrong
Beverage no.3 sounds Devine....

My IGA was shut!!! Electrical issues with no lights. Probably a blessing. I don't need any more slam calories.

Yes tea, as lovely as a drink it is, is not a slamming drink.
epic page!

spicy pork bibimbap and chicken katsu don

steak with mushroom sauce, potato bake and salad

rocky road cheesecake
Peanut butter

About to cook this shit up for breaky. Yeahhhh!!!!

Head Kunce
waiting for pork roast ...

with crackling ....

and probably a bazillion extra kcals based on italian mamma style measuring system

nice eats, guys!!!
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