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he he ... I lose interest when I see white chocolate

I make a dark mousse (that would also work with milk or white) that's pretty awesome too. On the blog actually. One of the few recipes close to my heart I've actually posted there.
i haven't made choc mousse this past year either

I might do though... was planning to make a ginger and gin sorbet tomorrow night for a little party but might not have the chance. Maybe later this week ... too good an idea to not try!

i would love a pottage garden. Our garden isn't conducive to lush growth though. the heat this year has been a mixed blessing.
had a bit of a vegetarian day yesterday:

felafal wrap w/ carrot, lettuce,yogurt and cheese

vegetarian curry w/ lemon & almond carrot salad, yoghurt and roti's
birthday cake ... a special pandoro with sugary almonds on top.

no words sufficient for its awesomeness

served it with a ricotta-creme fraiche cream flavoured with butterscotch schnapps

250gms rump
Scrambled eggs (2 whole + 100ml whites) with bacon (2)
100gms mixed veggie
300gms potato with olive oil
950 cals

does it get any easier than this?

macros for 4 serves: P 44g - F 29g - C 59g - Cals 660
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Taurus: 7/10 for presentation Good idea!

Groar: so many plates, so much washing up!

Cat Spew: love the toad in the hole.

roo/bacon salad

sweet praprika bacon quiches

CnC proats with berries and home made cashew butter

pumpkin/peanut savoury oats with nutritional yeast and PB&CO heat is on

fruit salad
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