Fucking sensational my friend! And that doggy is adorable!
Nice job on the smoked salmon
yeah, that would be pretty much my diet ruined for the week. I ate a kg of mixed nuts in 3 days this week - i make that to be about 6,000 calories :\ I am now on an official nut ban. because i simply can't be trusted...
great page!
Jay: I was hoping you didn't eat you're dog. Too cute.
March83 & PB: I read a while back that the actually amount of cals used from eating nuts is minimal even though the intake can be high. My record was 800g of cashews in one sitting. I do not buy them anymore! haha (or only 50g packets)
sweet chilli grain wave crusted chicken & garlic/chilli stir fried veggies
peanut/cinnamon protein fluff
180ml egg whites
25g casein
25g peanut flour
1/2 tspn xanthum gum
1 cup crushed ice
YES, that was AWESOME!
Haha, thanks. There's a ton of it 'cause I was hoping the weather would hold and people would come over, but... it's actually just gone gloomy, so the old boy & I might be sharing all of that over today and tomorrow.
Not exactly a hardship for him. Or me. F'n love smoked salmon.
Haha, thanks. There's a ton of it 'cause I was hoping the weather would hold and people would come over, but... it's actually just gone gloomy, so the old boy & I might be sharing all of that over today and tomorrow.
Not exactly a hardship for him. Or me. F'n love smoked salmon.
do you need someone to eat your left overs?
would gladly take that role
I can not decide which I think is more gorgeous looking right now.. The dog or the salmon! Haha.. Please feel free to do this and bring it to share at PTC when you make the move!
@JZ, I can't believe you crusted chicken with grain waves ... only you!!!
Fab eats everyone...that smoked salmon looks amazing too.
LOL @PB ... I'd die if I ate that many nuts in one sitting ... but I am totally guilty of overeating nuts on pretty much a daily basis...
ah thank you
you have to fight the cat though. She's evil and claims dibs on leftovers. Probably worth growing some claws or it's a one-sided event
PB: I've made a red wine flavoured fluff before. Just a bit of red wine with unflavoured casein, egg whites & xanthum. It wasn't too bad actually.
Haha, well the dog is definitely coming, I'd die if I had to leave him for two years. It broke my heart when I had to leave him before, and that was only 6 month stretches. Not ashamed to say I cried like a baby, heh.
And I definitely will be cooking more in the better weather. I love grilling (actually throwing some pork on now, for later), but it doesn't work as well in the rainso plenty to share.
Does it sway you even more to tell you we have a big BBQ at PTC as well, that I believe will be getting fired up most Saturdays in the summer after training
Hahaha.. Feel free to send me a PM for any questions on areas or anything etc mate, I'll help out as much as I can
March83 & PB: I read a while back that the actually amount of cals used from eating nuts is minimal even though the intake can be high. My record was 800g of cashews in one sitting. I do not buy them anymore! haha (or only 50g packets)
Haha I believe it's from when I was a kid, I remember this so vividly.. My evil stepmother (seriously, she was horrid!) took me out for Japanese.. I LOVE avocado and when there was a little bowl of green mushy stuff on the table, I enquired as to whether it was guacamole.. Evil stepmother confirmed yes it was (seriously, we're in a Japanese restaurant, she clearly knew it wasn't, I'm sure of it).. After confirming this I went and took a massive heaped spoon of it and shoved it in my mouth.. It was not guacamole.. Not even close.. That was a big arse spoon of wasabi in my mouth now.. Apparently I just sat there and didn't make a sound.. Just had tears streaming down my very red cheeks.. And that my friends, I'm pretty certain is why I have a total aversion to anything spicy at all! Hahaha
behold. the sandwiches of sandwiches.
1.pan on the heat...
2. bacon of course
3. add onion and butter to help the caramelization bro
4. when onion is almost cooked crack some eggs over the top
5. clove of garlic
6. add chicken (leftover from last nights dinner)
7. stir until egg is cooked
8. bang it in some bread
9. profit
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