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Might not look the best but tasted awesome, all gone now. I had to stop for a pic to keep Bella happy.

Nawww, I just posted, but was about to say :

Dear Bazza,

Next time you take a picture, can you please put a caption such as "Dear Bella, look how awesome I am AND I remembered a picture especially for you. Love, The Baz!" lololol

You know, just so I specifically know it's for me

lol Yay!

EDIT : GRIPPY!!! I also forgot to add that your lunch looks fckn sensational!! Please post pack some to Bella?? lolol Yummo!

Ohhhh you boys have outdone my food porn fetish today.....time for a cigarette
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I had homemade tomato/chilli/coriander soup for lunch - but forgot to get a picture before I demolished it at around 2.30pm.

Also baked up some chicken wings, I had some with lunch, Sophie is now killing the remainder of them.

mmm salt and pepper, baked chicken wings....delicious...keep it simple, yeah boi!

I use the 260cal one too.

red wine/chilli marinated chicken breast and broccoli 598cals 110P/22C/6F

jelly with banana sludge
I love working casually in a Hatted Restuarant...

Had a 250gram wagyu, with a seven mushroom risotto and stilton sauce yesterday.
1 - Oats and 1 scoop Whey
2 - 185g Tuna and some Almonds
3 - 3 Eggs and 100g Chicken and 1 cup vegetables
4 - Protien Shake with Water
5 - 200g Fish and Brocolli
6 - Protein Shake with Water

Above is a typical day, need to add more avocadoes and natural peanut butter and more almonds.
Tonight I will take a pic of the protein pancakes I've been having. Though with that said, I've been using the ''batter'' for muffins and a cake even.

Recipie - 1 cup protein powder (works a little better with casein), 2/3 cup water or milk, 1 whole egg, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence and then mix with hand held electric mixer...profits. Just don't over cook
Malay chicken curry soup I whipped up for lunch, with egg, bok choy, fresh devil chilli's, spinach and half a cup of basmati


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Fucking had a shit weights session. So had 1500 calories choc ice cream post workout and now pizza time.


Awww Bazza! Fuck don't go posting that in the Fat Tax thread...eating this stuff and not being obese, is something people can't seem to get their head around!

Weights will be better next visit! Chin up!
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