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Had oatbran instead of oats for breakfast, they are so good! They don't take as long to cook and have a better nutritional profile. Mixed with peanut butter and choc protein powder it kept the hunger at bay for hours.
Had oatbran instead of oats for breakfast, they are so good! They don't take as long to cook and have a better nutritional profile. Mixed with peanut butter and choc protein powder it kept the hunger at bay for hours.

oats/peanut butter and choc protein powder mixed together...so good!
I feel downright virtuous looking at some of the things you guys eat! Wow...

Lunch = omelette with basil, parsley, chilli, some grilled zucchini and eggplant and lotsa green salad + a slice of organic oat sourdough (wheat free).
WTF you got 8 for 25c????? was it there fuck up when they sold you them?? lolol...link me to this voucher lol...

voucher was only for 2 days Wasn't a fuck up I don't think, just a glitch in their system.

And those wraps look farkin awesome!
about to have some sort of food and a cup of lemsip then going to see how squats go.... will be interesting
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