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Please critique my diet

Sally XX

New member
Hello guys, my name is Sally. I am currently 73kg, do daily 60min cardio, strength train with weights 3 times a week (going to try that ptc beginners program!). My goal is to cut down/lose weight.

60g Oats

1.5 Cup Milk

100g Orange

300g Chicken

150g Brocolli

150g Carrots

10ml bbq sauce

1 cup milk

200g Chicken

3 Eggs

100g Peas/carrot

10ml olive oil

10ml bbq sauce

Thats about 1760 calories which is 11x my bw. 158g protein or 1g/lb my bw in protein. Any suggestions? Comments? Thanks!
May I ask your height? Obviously 73kg at 5'3 means a different thing than 73kg at 6'3.

Reduce the cardio component imho, it's too much. I'd probably also drop the milk. Can you not move the 3 eggs to breakfast?

I'll let someone smarter than me comment on the calories / macros part of it
for what its worth I think you are too low on cals, my wife is 57kg and eats 2300 at maintenance. Are you factoring in your exercise?
And have some protein with breaky, other than that it looks ok IMO, but you dont just eat that same stuff every day yeh? you mix it up a bit to stop the bordom?
I'm not an expert on macro nutrients so can't help there, but it looks ok, at least some variety in there.

Far out, 2300 main, I cant seem to loose on 2000 and im 87KG,

I have my missus on 1200, I think The lower BF% the more you burn ect, More mucles= more energy to run everything. Corect me if im wrong though
20ml of bbq sauce is 10g sugar. I would drop it.

Your calories look okay but there is no way to be sure until you have consumed those calories for a couple of weeks. 1700 is a good starting point and you just adjust it as needed. One of the first things i would drop, if needed, is the milk with dinner.

60 minutes of cardio per day is a bad idea. You should try doing 10 mins 2-3 times per week but instead of "cardio" do HIIT (high intensity interval training) or some complexes.

HIIT increases your metabolic rate and keeps it raised longer then normal jogging or bike riding. This helps your body burn calories even after you have stopped exercising. Combine this with resistance training and you have a lethal fat burning combination.

What i like to do is:

Sprint for 10 seconds
Walk for 50 seconds

And repeated the above 10 times. Thats it. 10 minutes out of your day and you will be laughing.

An example complex would be:

10 x Hang Clean
10 x Push Press
10 x Back Squat
10 x Still Leg Deadlift
10 x BB Row
10 x High Pull
10 x Front Squat

You can do it all, or choose a few to begin with until you can run through the whole lot. A good thing to do is time yourself and each time you attempt the complex, you try and beat your time. When you are doing the complex easy you up the weight and start again.

I would typically run through your complex 2-3 times.

Good luck Sally.
Stop eating carrots

And this from Drew Baye, a bit of a tool but I do like this.

Contrary to the typical advice of well-meaning but misinformed trainers and health organizations, the key to fat loss is *not to simply “eat less, move more”, but to eat better, and exercise harder.

The idea one should eat less and move more to lose fat is based on a few assumptions:

that fat gain and loss are mostly a matter of energy balance
that body fat will be burned for energy when the balance is negative
that exercise burns enough calories to have a significant effect on energy balance
Not quite.

1. While energy balance is a significant factor, fat gain and loss is also strongly affected by your hormonal state which is the result of the type of foods you eat. Regular, excessive carbohydrate consumption results in chronically elevated insulin levels which can promote fat storage and limits your body’s ability to access its fat stores for energy. Other hormones influencing metabolism and appetite like leptin, ghrelin and thyroid can be negatively influenced by regular consumption of grains and legumes, and those foods also contain substances which interfere with mineral absorption and irritate the gut, contributing to the development of auto-immune disorders.

2. Even if you restrict energy intake, if your hormonal state prevents you from efficiently using fat stores when there is a negative energy balance it can break down lean body mass instead and reduce metabolic rate to adapt to the lower energy intake. Foods that negatively effect leptin and ghrelin can directly contribute to a reduction in metabolic rate.

3. No activity burns enough calories to make it worth doing for that reason alone, and demanding physical activity increases appetite often causing people to consume more energy than the little extra they burned. The proper role of exercise in a fat loss program is not to burn calories, but to maintain muscle while fat is lost.

Forget the old mantra to “eat less, move more”. Instead, eat better and exercise harder.

If you eat better food – nutrient dense grass fed meat, wild caught fish, eggs and a variety of vegetables along with some fruits and nuts – and restrict or eliminate intake of grains, legumes and sugar, you will create a hormonal state conducive to fat loss and get your appetite under control, as well as improve many other aspects of health. While meat, fish, and eggs are energy dense, eating them tends to blunt appetite and keep you feeling full longer, and non-starchy vegetables are extremely high in physical volume relative to calories when compared to grains and legumes, and will also fill you up. If you ever do need a quick source of glucose, starchy vegetables like yams, sweet potatoes and beets are a *much healthier option than grains.

Instead of wasting your time doing things for the sake of burning calories, spend a few minutes a few times a week doing hard strength training. While strength training won’t burn a lot of calories either, it will maintain lean body mass while fat is lost, improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, deplete muscle glycogen stores making more room in the muscles for incoming carbohydrate (meaning less of it is likely to be converted to triglyceride and stored as fat) and will raise metabolic rate slightly. When done correctly, even very brief strength training workouts significantly improve cardiovascular and metabolic conditioning and flexibility, making additional “cardio” redundant and unnecessary.

You can use all the time a more efficient exercise program frees up to do things you actually enjoy, instead of wasting it on a treadmill or elliptical machine or in group classes that burn up a lot of your time but not much of your fat.
And for heart health, If your weight lifting is blood and guts, your cardio then should be gentle.
Big Jim: why worry about 10g of sugar??

Sally: echoed, what height are you?

I would say that is a good starting point cal/macro wise but you don't have to be so rigid with the exact food you eat every day. If you're happy to then go for it but I like to diversify a bit to make sure I'm getting all the micronutrients my body needs.

Andy: why should she stop eating carrots?
2 medium size carrots is 50cals with 6g of sugar. In the grand scheme of things, I can't see that as being a great hinderance to fat loss?

(I know the stats because I eat them pretty much every night Hasn't hindered my weight loss (when I want to cut) n=1)

You're lucky then.

What I'm proposing is, it's a good vegetable but higher in sugar than other choices of vegetable.

You would also have a lot more lean mass meaning you would burn the sugar off quicker.

Fact of the matter is, if you want to lose fat you shouldnt eat sugar.

Why do something half-arsed?
Carrots get a bad wrap for being very high GI. The thing is, they are low GL.
Eat a few carrots. Not bagfulls.
Sally could be short for the Italian male name Salvatore. Maybe he's a mafia hitman who just wants to look trim this summer.