so If I was going to watch a session day 2 would be the best?
What kind of lifts will I see on day 2?
Hi new to this forum. The A group lifter session on Day 2 will be massive for sure.
Some of the highlights for me will be:
100kg class
Richard Hozjan - recently did sq 322.5kg - Australian record, bp 235kg, dl 312.5kg, totalled 870kg, also Australian record
David Jame - sq 321kg, which was also the Australian record at the time, might deadlift 320kg - might total 800kg
Tim Germanchis - has totalled over 800kg, with 300+ squat and 317.5kg deadlift
You may see the Australian squat and total record broken again in July.
110kg class
Chris Caltibiano - not sure whether he is lifting as a 110 or 125, but has totalled over 900kg and benched 275kg
Stephen Pritchard - recently squatted 370kg, benched 280kg and deadlifted around 280kg from memory
Odell Manuel - hasn't competed this year, but has squatted and deadlifted over 350kg, and could potentially be the first Australian to break 1000kg total
Nathan Baxter - not sure whether he's competing 3-lift, but benched 290kg at the Worlds last month
Adam Pinkard - this guy could squat 400kg+ if all goes right on the day.