We dont need to become an affiliate for ANOTHER federation, we have RAW comps right here, its up to lifters to get behind them.
Ignore the steroids, we do, Max has 4 National Records, we will have quite a cluster in 2 weeks at PTC.
We would have zero competing against equipped lifters at PA.
We are drug free, and we will set records at an untested federation. What more could you ask for?
I'd absolutely LOVE to see you lift at the NSW CAPO state titles next year Oli, Raw (that doesnt sound right)
Ignore the steroids, we do, Max has 4 National Records, we will have quite a cluster in 2 weeks at PTC.
We would have zero competing against equipped lifters at PA.
We are drug free, and we will set records at an untested federation. What more could you ask for?
I'd absolutely LOVE to see you lift at the NSW CAPO state titles next year Oli, Raw (that doesnt sound right)