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Interesting stuff Kyle. No wonder GPC is getting bigger and bigger within Aust powerlifting with such rules.

cannot forgive for past sins is hilarious.
In theory, couldn't GPC Australia have an anti doping system substantially similar to the PA one and it would therefore be allowable?
The world GPC site's constitution says

The use of performance enhancing Drugs is not allowed and testing will be carried out as deemed necessary and absolutely required by the Nation hosting events. Testing will be for the expense of the host Nation. The Global Powerlifting Committee Ltd will take whatever action deemed suitable against those athletes showing positive test results.

So in fact, GPC is meant to be a tested federation, it's just that the world body leaves it up to the various national bodies to deal with it. Note: in previous discussions I learned that at least 3 of the Australian state representatives were unaware of the GPC constitution and its comments about drugs. I don't know if the Aussie president Markos knows about it.
If it's not a tested federation, then its irrelevant what the constitution says.

The above quote is in regarding to competing in a different non drug tested federation (e.g. all the others besides PA) and not to what I was suggesting, which is an informal meet for beginners in a gym. Anyone can organise that.
The point is that GPC could become a tested federation tomorrow, if they decided to.

Anyone can organise an informal meet between lifters across a gym or two, but if you do it and PA finds out, you're binned. I was told this by the President of Powerlifting Australia.

Article looks interesting Chris. Unfortunately, "Sorry, you do not have access to this article."
yes, I cant just post article as company has rights.

Will be soon writing an opinion piece on article which will be posted on a couple of sites. Will try to get it up next week.
Anything I've said publicly I would expect might be quoted publicly at some time or other... I guess it would burn any chances of being with PA if I ever wanted that, but I don't feel right denying achievements of my lifters anyway.
well, that is right, o one should simply bag some lifter's feats just because they do not lift with PA.

And that is what my opinion piece will be about.
I wasn't asked to bag their lifting with other federations, just to wipe out all public images and records of my lifters working with other federations. It's not hating, it's just pretending they don't exist. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
well, that is right, o one should simply bag some lifter's feats just because they do not lift with PA.

And that is what my opinion piece will be about.

careful, this may be your publish AND perish moment.

frankly, I'm not seeing much social science rigour in what you have set out to publish. Qualitative studies and opinionated narrative became fashionable because arts students sucked at maths and thought that hypotheses could be tested by self reference.
frankly, that is your opinion, just one.

I got it published, and others have commented good article, so go jump.

opinions about quality are also subjective, but I offered mine as best as I could.

As for your tosser remarks about arts and maths, tells me a lot about you. I have heard such insults all before by supposed gurus of wisdom, including ones that did not do maths.
I have been asked to write an opinion piece which will spell out key points.

I cannot do anything about article I do not own; I would be in breach of guidelines if I gave article out.

This is what I do not like about academia, but I wrote it as part of a contract with a university.

My opinion piece will be better, straight to point.
no, you can go to a library which has access to academic article on database. I cant give it out to everyone.

Remember my article is just an opinion. I could be wrong.

but with opinion piece, all can go online and comment and tell me just why i should have done maths, including Wilks.

Joins GPC instead of the organisation with an enforced policy and now attempts to hide behind some feeble form of academe as an apologist for untested lifting. Winning.

im seeing a little more aggression from you, have your testosterone levels suddenly "gone up"