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Over under grip?

*blush* thanks Scotty.
That was December last year @ 85.2kg, unfortunately my deadlift has gone nowhere since then
Scott will probably be the next under 90kg guy in Aus to pull 300 which will be a great effort, especially cause he'll do it in a 3 lift comp.
I pull sumo with one mixed grip and conventional the other (if that makes sense)
The deadlifting everyone I train with does is split toughly 50/50 conv/sumo and they all do the same
Took them a few sessions to get used to it but no issues now
I've said that 220kg is a goal that most males should be able to achieve in 3 years of consistent training fairly easily. Irrespective of weight class. I've seen midget chinese people who are built for squats and have terrible mechanics for the deadlift achieve this at under 70kg so no excuses!
Just use double overhand for warm up sets and switch to what ever mixed grips feels strongest for heavier sets. Don't worry about switching it around.

Good to see some common sense here. Use overhand for as much of it as you can and you'll build the grip strength.

So far i double overhand to 160kg (most i've done so far), and my hands are tiny and weak...
Hmm. I use double overhand until i cant usually. Gets me anywhere from 160 - 170kg. After which is mixed. Left under.
Some days i get further with the grip...some not. Best double overhand was 160 x 5. Never been able to match it ha.
I have tiny hands and have never had a grip issue
Apart from when I was using hook grip, but dem der finger curls fixed that
Should your dominant hand be over or under? I can get to 120 both hands over for 5 before the bar sort of rolls out of my hand. Bar has crap knurling, no chalk allowed. Off topic, are the liquid chalk type products any good?

I'm right handed and I prefer right over, left under when I use mixed, other way feels weird.
i do mixed grip from around 120kg+.

my max is 182.5kg and i have been deadlifting for less than a year.

I haven't actually used normal chalk, but liquid chalk works for me @ 160KG x 1 (150x5) ... we'll see how far that goes for a standard overhand grip.