not knowing the specs of your pubic injury I'd confirm that it should be quite easy to start training LB again asap. About RICE, compression & elevation are quite irrelevant in this case, and Icing could actually be counter productive; my direction has always been if the injury benefits from restricting blood flow then ice (i.e. swelling, sprain, early stages of injuries), if the injury can benefit from increased blood flow then heat (packs) are recommended (i.e. DOMS, overuse, recovery stages of sprains,...).
So, after some initial rest (could be months) the cause of the injuries needs to be addressed, and I'll take an educated guess we're talking about overuse. Overuse does not always mean you have done too much training, in the most obvious meaning of the words 'too much'. Overuse can also and often means, that the workout is not appropriate for the current condition of the body. To cut that explanation short, my guess would be you increased training volume or intensity too quickly, or you have tight lower body muscles and caused (di)stress in your muscles from doing the 'right' exercises (SQ, DL, ...) with 'wrong/bad' form caused by a lack of a full range of motion (ROM) in the muscles involved.
So assuming you've done the 'rest' thing for a while, have a look at some stretching to increase your ROM in the hips, knees and ankles, and probably also your upper body. The reason for doing a full body stretching routine is that reduced ROM in any of those major joints could impact on the correct biomechanical movement of any of the LB exercises you do i.e. your squat could be bad form due to tight ankles, groin, hammies, lower back, or even shoulders and upper back.
I know yoga may not sound manly enough, but don't be fooled. Most OL competitors I know in the BNE area do some form of yoga. Check out any yoga www for a full body program.
Oh yes, the UB program; not something I would put together, but someone famous once said 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'.