Metabolic conditioning...sprinting, chinning and dipping.
An answer to over training is to look for ways to combine conditioning activities.
For example, if you could combine an activity for cardio endurance with an activity for muscular strength you will save time and energy, this is exactly what metabolic conditioning will do.
Strength training will usually be performed in spurts of about thirty seconds of hard exercise then followed by a period of rest, the heart and lungs are not getting a steady pace of work needed for maximum endurance.
Cardio will be performed at a much lower intensity but is sustained over a period of time.
A well planned template of strenuous exercise with no rest will produce outstanding metabolic conditioning.
A very simple setup which can be found in most schools can be used.
Sprinting works the muscles of the lwr body
Chinning and dipping build the arms, chest and upper back, all three activities will elevate the heart rate but cannot sustain it because the involved muscles tire within a very short period, say 30 to 60 seconds.
Combining sprinting with provide an ideal conditioning program
You should be in pretty good shape before you try this, we are trying to get the heart rate up between 180-200 bpm and keep it there for at least ten to twelve minutes.
This is accomplished by alternating the the chins, dips and 90 meter sprints..
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