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Newbie needs some Advice


New member
Hello Mates
My name is Alan,I am a newbie to this board & to bodybuilding.

I eat a chicken breast & pasta for lunch.Half an hour after my meal is eaten all I want to do is sleep.This sleepy feeling stays with me well until the arvo when I train & it is killing my workouts.I am too tired to lift.
I know the pasta is high in GI & that’s what’s causing the crash.I tried cutting back the amount of past I eat but that’s not helping,I am crashing really bad after lunch.Is there any way to counteract the crash? Would eating vegetables with my meal prevent a crash?
What if I swapped the past with rice? Would rice make me crash as well?

Also,I suffer from IBS so protein shakes are out of the question & I cannot eat eggs either. I eat oats(carbs) for breakfast but am finding it hard to find a source of protein to go along with the oats.I was wondering if drinking a glass of soy milk on its own was an adequate source of protein to go along with my oats? I know all protein isn’t created equal but I guess soy milk is better than nothing.

Thanks for reading & I’d appreciate any feedback

You sound a lot like myself mate. You have stomach problems, you're very sensitive to carbs. Are you lactose intolerant as well?

I say you need to rework your diet from scratch. I can send you my sample diet if you want but to tailor it would require us to know your height, weight, bodyfat %.
Don't drink soy milk. No good for men.

Try brown rice instead of pasta. Do you take any stimulants like pre workout, coffee?
Thank you all for taking the time to respond.

I'm 65KG,5’8 & have 5% body fat.I’m not lactose intolerant,I don’t have an intolerance to any foods,I have a psychical problem which is medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome.6 months ago I could eat whatever I wanted,as much as I wanted but I cannot do this anymore.There is no cure for IBS so I have to deal with it.Lactose is a trigger for my IBS, overeating/force feeding does not help either.I find that when I eat allot of rice I get sick but this could be because of the butter I use to make rice.I plan on buying a steamer & cooking the rice that way to see if that helps.This is what I am eating now.

1/2 cup oats w/ honey & raisins (1/2 a cup is all I can keep down)
500ml soy milk (14g protein)
1 banana

100g tuna (18g protein)
white rice

Handful of peanuts & walnuts
500ml Soy milk (14g protein)

12PM (pre workout)
Chicken breast (30g protein)
2 cups pasta
Pineapple juice

2PM workout

Chicken breast (30g)
white rice
1 Banana

Fish (18g protein)
vegetables & rice
1 apple

I cannot eat after this time as I will have heartburn/reflux all night.

I don’t use any stimulants.No alcohol,no drugs....All my mates use gear, smoke weed,snort coke & they have no medical complications yet I have IBS....Work that one out.

I know how to train in the gym but I really don’t have a clue about diet so please give me as much feedback as possible.

Maybe your tiredness is because of you holding so little fat - 5% !!!
That bodyfat level is insane.
Is that even possible?
Maybe your tiredness is because of you holding so little fat - 5% !!!
That bodyfat level is insane.
Is that even possible?

Fair dinkum truth mate.I am ripped as,I have disgusting veins everywhere, even on my stomach. I can go as low as 3-4%.People always ask me if I use “hardeners” or If I’m on a no carb diet but I am an ecotomorph.This is my body type,it’s hard for me to gain weight but very easy to lose it.

That’s why I eat nuts,it’s supposedly a good source of fat. I definitely get moody & cold because I have very little fat on my body but I didn’t know that low fat count makes you tired.