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New routine opinions

What's your explanation on why I'm doing it so wrong?

If your going that hard chances are you are taxing your central nervouse system rather than your muscles.
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Nah dude your doing it wrong....

I'm not a power lifter....

It would appear you do not understand the concept of 5x5....

If my1rm was say 140kg I would start my 5x 5 down at 100kg
Add 2.5kg per workout
Train the lift 2 to 3 times a week dependant on what you can handle

Towards the end of the cycle you will need to use whatever it takes to hit your 5x5... Including less/more days in the gym.... Longer/ shorter rest breaks.... Lots and lots of mobility work....

Also what is your interpretation of 5x5?
Ohp -5x5
Squat -5x5 and 20 rep back-off set
*Weighted pull ups -BW x 6 then using extra weight target set 12
*Weighted dips -BW x 6 then using extra weight target set 12
BB curls

*Alternating every four weeks using ladders

Dead lift 5x5
Shrugs one set MMF
Decline bench 5x5 run to
flys to MMF
Bent over row 5x5
Bicep curl 5x5
Farmers walks

Front squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Upright row one set
T bar row or seated cable row 5x5
Chin-ups MMF one set
Hammer curl 5x5
Tricep pushdown

Tricep pushdowns mainly stimulate sarcoplasmic fibres same as flys and you should never train to failure no matter how high the intensity. You want to peak at 6 weeks and back off.
I would love to see the physique on this guy.

Its funny nearly all the guys that come into this section spouting the bb pseudo science they end up been 70kg manlets. While the natty big units (bigjim, pistachio and the like) all lift heavy and follow tried and true programs

Just an observation and for the record I'm not talking about oz and goose, I follow your logic no problem.
I would love to see the physique on this guy.

Its funny nearly all the guys that come into this section spouting the bb pseudo science they end up been 70kg manlets. While the natty big units (bigjim, pistachio and the like) all lift heavy and follow tried and true programs

Just an observation and for the record I'm not talking about oz and goose, I follow your logic no problem.

I'm 82 just dropped from 90 on a cut ATM keep in mind I'm 168 cms so even if I was 70 it will still look decent