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Need some help on diet thanks!

No, I am actually very searious.

You have

no fruit

no vegies

no antioxidants..

no fibre

no mineral/vitmain ratios

Your diet fails even accoridng to government reccomendaiton that is already ridiculously low...

Eat a salad vegies with every meal.

Eat whole food only

make 1 meal legumes nuts beans with olive oil that shit is easy to cart around in a container and doesnt need cooking or heating...

No processed foods contianing sugar flour ect ect..

Eat fruit with breakfast...
Seriously though you have no chance of maintaing the energy levels required for that much training with only 1300 cals
Posted via Mobile Device

Oh.. How many calories would you recconmmend? I saw somewhere that my BMR at 65kg is 1800 cal? So I thought you reduce cal by 500 or soemthing? Sorry I've never had to worry about or lose weight since my layoff, so correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh.. How many calories would you recconmmend? I saw somewhere that my BMR at 65kg is 1800 cal? So I thought you reduce cal by 500 or soemthing? Sorry I've never had to worry about or lose weight since my layoff, so correct me if I'm wrong.

You dont need weight loss your 65kg?!?!

You need muscle growth and fat loss...

Unless you want to be a professioanl marathon runner...

Lol ****ing love that photo
Answer my original question what are your goals?

You stated you like to run long distance and then said you will be lifting heavy weights? Why?

You also said 'race weight' so I am assuming your compete so once again why are you lifting heavy weights?

I heard/read heavy weights help you maintain muscle. Also, I am more of a 5-10km runner, not a marathoner, so I appreciate the importance of heavy weights to my general conditioning/strength. A lot of runners neglect the importance of strength training in my opinion.

My goal is to lose as much exess bodyfat as quickly as possible before track season/competition season. Bascially lose the fat first, then move onto a race specific training/diet (lots of carbs).

I guess the 14km run is to maintain a base/foundation level of aerobic capacity until I get into proper training.

I know I know, I've never ate vegies in my life haha
But I'm not really concerned about my "health" right now, just my goals.
Pardon my ignorance, but isn't it impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?? My goal right now is just maximal fat loss.

Yes but muscle controls your metaoblic fuction, and you cant loose fat without some sacrafice in muscle.. So that makes your metabolic function even lower...

But it depends on your goals and what you need..

Pick 1 of the above 2 bodies and then work towards it.

You could always start 100m sprinting ?

nubs can loose fat and gain muscle... Im not sure why this is exactly. But it is possible...
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I know I know, I've never ate vegies in my life haha
But I'm not really concerned about my "health" right now, just my goals.

Your health and goals go hand in hand.. You cant have sex without a hard dick.. well you can but you will be the one getting ****ed.
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