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need help!


New member
need help makin a program for trainin in off season for rugby league i need to get fit and tone up i play at an elite level and need to get ready for next season.
Current stats, lifts, training experience?

Most here will tell you to get on a fullbody training program lifting 3x a week with all the big lifts (squat, deadlift, bench, row, oh press), eg. Starting Strength, PTC Beginner's program, etc.
This probably wasn't the section to post in.

Have a look at the beginner stickys and use one of the programs (either the Markos beginner or Rippetoe) over 2 days as opposed to the standard 3.

My 10c.
This probably wasn't the section to post in.

Have a look at the beginner stickys and use one of the programs (either the Markos beginner or Rippetoe) over 2 days as opposed to the standard 3.

My 10c.

Why do you say over 2 days? Just wondering :)
Current stats is a must no one knows where you are at without the details. Since it is off season you could go 3-4 days a week and 1-2 days of anaerobic conditioning.
Posted via Mobile Device
i do bench 90kg 4 sets of 10 and incline 50kg 4 sets of 10
curls 15kg 4 sets of 10 and barbell curls 20kg
triceps 20kkg skullcrushers and dips
bacl lqat pulldowns and chinups
Why do you say over 2 days? Just wondering :)

because he said he's training to be an elite player. I imagine he must have some other stuff going on in off season.

He could probably handle x3 for a little while though.
i do bench 90kg 4 sets of 10 and incline 50kg 4 sets of 10
curls 15kg 4 sets of 10 and barbell curls 20kg
triceps 20kkg skullcrushers and dips
bacl lqat pulldowns and chinups

So how much do you squat?


Power clean?
Posted via Mobile Device
i train with crockett at the gym, he got me into the weights, hes a big boy for a 16 year old, got alot of potential. he wants to tone more, now hes got the mass . he wants to be ripped. !
i train with crockett at the gym, he got me into the weights, hes a big boy for a 16 year old, got alot of potential. he wants to tone more, now hes got the mass . he wants to be ripped. !

If he hasn't ever squatted or deadlifted then I highly doubt he has mass. All he has is mirror muscles.
I agree train with buncey. You need to squat and deadlift. All power for rugby comes from the hips so you need to strengthen those muscles not just train your benching ability. Get 3 months of 3-4 day a week strength training (proper) into you and you will dominate with your strength on the field. By the time you are 18 you will be a powerhouse.

Add in some conditioning work too. Repeated short sprints, weighted barbell complexes etc.
Posted via Mobile Device
Rugby requires strength, you dont get strong doing curls and push downs.
If you want to tone up, you need to get the biggest muscles in your body moving, to burn huge amounts of calories, curls and push downs dont do this

Squat and deadlift are the two most important exercises you can do, not many people do them because they're fkn hard! If your serious, start them asap!

Add an overhead press, bench press and bent row and you have a very good program. You will loose fat and tone up and gain strength for rugby, 3 pretty good side effects if you ask me!